Hegerberg called several sports profiles before she agreed to become a World Cup expert for news – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcast schedule

– The fact that Qatar has won the World Cup means that everyone loses. Not only the teams and players involved, but us viewers too. It has been difficult for me to say that I am looking forward to the WC. That’s what Andrine Hegerberg says, who makes no secret of the fact that she had a big dilemma in her lap when news got in touch and asked if she wanted to become one of the media house’s regular experts during the World Cup. She says she “took a very long time” to say yes. – I said for a long time that I shouldn’t have anything to do with Qatar, but I quickly ended up in the double standard situation since I have played for two clubs that are sponsored by Qatar, in Rome and PSG. I went many rounds with myself before I accepted, she says. – Hasn’t happened before. In fact, she went about it so thoroughly that she set aside time to make a few phone calls to a number of personalities in Norway who could help her sort out arguments for or against. – It has probably never happened before that you are asked to work as an expert, but call around to both football colleagues, the football president and the most knowledgeable people in Norway, such as Andreas Selliaas, to get their input, she says. The Norwegian journalist Andreas Selliaas, who runs the website idrettspolitikk.no, confirms to news that he was contacted by Hegerberg. – Andrine wanted input before she made up her mind. I told her that I would not advise her whether to take the job or not, but gave her some reflections on possible negative reactions, and that even if she has good intentions in taking the job, it is not certain that everyone will accept it as a good justification, says Selliaas. Andreas Selliaas was contacted by Hegerberg. Photo: news He praises Hegerberg for the initiative. – I think it is good that Andrine wanted to see this job from several sides before she decided. I got the impression that she wanted to contribute to also directing the spotlight on the negative aspects of the championship and that this was a prerequisite for saying yes to the job. I recommended that she contact Morten Thorsby to get advice from a fellow player who uses his platform as a footballer to shine a spotlight on something he is passionate about, he says. Hegerberg listened to Selliaas and contacted Morten Thorsby as well. – I was dismayed that no one spoke about the fact that women are systematically discriminated against in Qatar, while he was dismayed that no one spoke about the environmental disaster the Qatar World Cup is. That says something about how broad the problem is. Everyone I have consulted with has also had problems saying yes or no to whether I should accept the job, and that says quite a lot, Hegerberg points out. – Not defined as a good or bad person After the thorough rounds with various advisers, she finally decided to accept the assignment. Now she will be a regular feature in news’s ​​WC broadcasts together with Emil Gukild, Åge Hareide, Tete Lidbom, Kristoffer Løkberg and Ingerid Stenvold. – Now that I am here and going to work on it, I feel that I will be able to find joy in football again. This is not black and white, you are not defined as a good or bad person whether you choose to watch the World Cup or not, Hegerberg asserts. THE news TEAM DURING THE WC: Emil Gukild (former), Åge Hareide, Tete Lidbom, Andrine Hegerberg, Kristoffer Løkberg and Ingerid Stenvold will be regular features in news’s ​​WC broadcasts. Photo: Nicolai Eid Trondal / news What weighed heavily in the end was the argument that she had lost the opportunity to use her voice if she refused to become a TV expert. – For my part, I have come to terms with the fact that this WC is actually happening. Personally, I feel a responsibility to absorb all the information I get access to, in order to be prepared for the way forward and contribute to maintaining the debate. – I must add that I have great respect for Aleksander Schau and others who early on chose to boycott the WC, and who in many ways helped start the debate. Now it is our task to take it further, while my main task is primarily to convey football, she says. These will cover the WC for news and TV 2 news’s ​​WC team consists of: Programmers: Ingerid Stenvold and Emil Gukild Studio guests: Åge Hareide, Andrine Hegerberg, Tete Lidbom and Kristoffer Løkberg. Commentators: Andreas Stabrun Smith, Christian Nilssen, Carl-Erik Torp and Nils Johan Semb. News team: Andreas Hagen, Malin Jørnholt, Yama Wolasmal, Haron Hussain and Egil Sande. TV 2’s WC team consists of: Programmers: Ingrid Halstensen, Jon Hartvig Børrestad and Jan-Henrik Børslid. Commentators: Jesper Mathisen, Petter Myhre, Øyvind Alsaker, Morten Langli and Simen Stamsø Møller Other experts: Erik Thorstvedt, Solveig Gulbrandsen, Yaw Amankwah and Anne Sturød. Sports commentator: Mina Finstad Berg News team: Arilas Ould-Saada, Trine Melheim Næss, Bent Skjærstad, Kadafi Zaman and Fayroz Chamdid Klubb reacted to the advertisement – no In fact, Hegerberg has had some episodes where she has distanced herself from Qatar in the past. She says that the first example happened in one of the clubs she previously played for, without wanting to name which one. During a sponsorship day, stations with various sponsors were set up where you had to go around and take part in some short advertising recordings. One of the stations was Qatar Airways, but she asked to let it go. – Then I was immediately called in to a meeting with the media manager where I was reminded that this was part of my job, and that it was stated in the contract that I should do such things. But I didn’t have to do it, and the club took it well, even though they felt they had to speak up, she says. Andrine Hegerberg and Åge Hareide have both been tested in the news chair before the WC. Photo: Nicolai Eid Trondal / news The second situation arose when she took part in a digital conference in 2018 together with Carli Lloyd, Tim Cahill and several other profiles where they were supposed to have an inspiration sequence for the Aspire Academy in Qatar, of which Tim Cahill is the sporting director for. The entire conference was introduced by Hassan Al Thawadi, the World Cup manager for Qatar, who welcomed and allowed himself to be interviewed. I think she was “muted” What Hegerberg had been told in advance was that they should talk about the role of women in football and inspire children and young girls. – This was shown in several continents with several million viewers, but instead they wanted us to tell about the great development that had taken place in Qatar, that they had established a girls’ national team and presented it as a kind of sunshine story. When I spoke my mind, it was probably too harsh for them, and I was “muted”. – The moderator put you on mute when you criticized Qatar? – Concretely, I am still unsure of what actually happened, but yes, I have strong suspicions about it. I didn’t feel that I was that critical either, but more that I didn’t join in the hype about Qatar. Then I was put on “mute”. I sat together with the media manager in front of the PC and was present via Teams, and at first she thought it was a technical error, but it only happened to me. I found it all a bit confusing, she remembers. news has presented Hegerberg’s comments to the Aspire Academy in Qatar. At the time of writing, they have not responded to news’s ​​inquiry. After the episode, she was called by dad Stein Erik, who had followed the conference live. – He called as soon as it was over and expressed that he was satisfied that I had not let myself be “tricked”. On the whole, I understand this is only a small incident, but it shows the methods they work according to, she believes. – What will it be like to work with the WC as an expert? – It will be different. Both the sporting and non-sporting aspects that will surround this championship. To take the sporting aspect, I think anything can happen, many different teams can win. And it will be extra open with various factors such as a shorter preparation phase and winter championships. I am very excited about the teams’ entrance to the championship and the outcome of it, she says. – I have many questions to which we will soon have answers, so then it is just a matter of rounding off the cliché; the only thing that is certain is that only one team will win. As is well known, the World Cup starts on 20 November with the opening match between Ecuador and the worst nation, Qatar. That match is broadcast on TV 2. news broadcasts England against Iran and Senegal against the Netherlands on Monday. Which country wins the World Cup? Brazil France Argentina England Spain Germany Netherlands Belgium Portugal Denmark Another country Show result
