240 million annually to recruit health personnel in the north – news Nordland

On Sunday morning, it became clear that the governing parties and SV have agreed on next year’s state budget. In the state budget, Northern Health and the municipalities in the north will receive a total of 240 million annually from now on for the recruitment of health personnel. The purpose is to intensify recruitment for Helse Nord. – We have long requested that the situation in Helse Nord be addressed, which is dramatic. That’s what SV’s parliamentary representative Mona Fagerås from Nordland says. – SV has therefore taken the situation in Helse Nord into the negotiation room on the national budget. We have been very clear that something must be done and quickly. From the budget they have now agreed on, it appears that it will be set aside: “NOK 200 million in a permanent grant to Helse Nord. The money will be used as a recruitment grant, with the aim of recruiting and stabilizing the personnel situation in existing health and hospital services, and to limit the use of hiring. A national challenge There will also be a permanent recruitment and cooperation grant to Helse Nord of NOK 40 million. This is money that is to be used according to agreement between health organizations and relevant municipalities. Here you will find what is stated in the state budget regarding the recruitment of health personnel in the north. The money will be used as a recruitment grant, with the aim of recruiting and stabilizing the personnel situation in existing health and hospital services, and to limit the use of hiring. The Storting asks the government to establish a permanent recruitment and cooperation grant to Helse Nord of NOK 40 million. The grant will support recruitment measures throughout the region and measures that improve the interaction between the specialist health service and the municipal health and care service and help service development and good patient outcomes in the health region. Must be used according to agreement between the healthcare organization and relevant municipalities. Related note: The committee’s members from the Labor Party, the Center Party and the Socialist Left Party emphasize the importance of good preparedness, security and health services throughout Northern Norway. The aim for the further work with the specialist health service in Northern Norway is to ensure a safe offer for the residents, including emergency and maternity services, and to make arrangements for the offer to be developed in the future as well. – The problem with recruitment is obviously a national challenge that must be solved with national measures and now the Storting, led by SV, is taking action, she says to news. Large protests against hospital cuts In recent days, people in Lofoten, Vesterålen and Narvik have gone in torchlight processions to show their concern for the future of local hospitals in the north. – The fact that people go out of their houses to show their concern about our local hospitals must have made an impression in Oslo as well, says Fagerås. Many professionals have also advocated that Helse Nord’s plans to cut emergency and maternity services at hospitals cannot be carried out. The reason why Helse Nord is undergoing a reorganisation, at the behest of the Minister of Health, is the great shortage of professionals. Want to reduce the use of expensive hiring Today, expensive hiring from temporary agencies is necessary to keep hospital operations going. – I think this agreement will be a very important place to start in order to reduce the hiring of temporary workers and thus the spending of money – The process has caused great unrest in an entire part of the country. I am incredibly happy that the situation has been taken seriously by the government and that they have met us on this demand. SV has been negotiating with the government parties Sp and Ap since Monday 13 November. Representatives of the governing parties and SV will meet the press at the Storting at 10.00 today, Sunday. On Monday, the budget will be debated and adopted in the parliament.
