‘American Idol’ revient dimanche soir – et Ryan Seacrest dit de faire attention aux adolescents

ABC/Eric McCandless

Idole américaine a fêté sa 20e saison l’an dernier et dimanche soir, il entame sa troisième décennie. L’OG des concours de chant de réalité trouve toujours des candidats prometteurs, ce qui est quelque peu surprenant pour l’hôte Ryan Seacrestqui est là depuis le début.

“Honestly, behind closed doors, sometimes we look at each other and say, ‘Did we find everybody? Are there really enough contestants out there that can exceed expectations?’ The answer is yes,” Ryan tells ABC Audio.

“They actually get better and better because they start performing earlier … and they can get feedback on their performances and they become a little more understanding of what it takes to be a star by the time they get to us,” he notes. 

“I think that’s what keeps me going, is going around the country and seeing the next class of talent,” he adds.

There are spoilers online if you want information about this season’s contestants, including several rejects from The Voice, but Ryan will only say that there’s “a lot of great country this year” and “a lot of the younger contestants are very good.”

“I mean, 16, 17 years old — very, very good,” he adds.

More than 20 years in, Ryan points out that even non-winners — from Jennifer Hudson to Adam Lambert to Gabby Barrett — are still able to win on the charts. For example, season 14’s Jax had a huge pop hit with “Victoria’s Secret” last year.

“It’s so great to see contestants who may not have won still achieve success in the business,” Ryan notes. “It just goes to show you [that] … la plateforme de Idole américaine peut faire bouger les choses. Nous avons vu cela au fil des ans. Vous n’avez pas à être le gagnant.

Idole américaine diffusé le dimanche 19 février à 20 h HE sur ABC.

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