Zelenskyj met with cheers in Congress – Latest news – news

22 December 2022 at 01:34 Zelenskyi met with cheers in Congress Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi is now speaking in the US Congress where both chambers have gathered for an emergency meeting. He was welcomed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Kamala Harris, and he was met with cheers. Zelenskyj began his speech, which he gave in English, by thanking for the invitation and for the support that Ukraine receives from the Americans. – Ukraine did not fall. Ukraine is alive and kicking back, Zelenskyy said to applause. – We have no fear. Our victory gives us courage. The support of the USA and Europe has made us stronger and prevents the Russian tyranny from gaining control. – This is a battle that will define democracy, for us and our descendants, he said. Zelenskyj said the sea cannot protect the United States from a war that has global implications. Zelenskyy said that next year will be a turning point, where Ukrainian courage and American support will provide a turning point, a turning point that defines our values. He talked about his experiences this week about the fierce fighting in Bakhmut, which is on the front line against Russia.
