Zelenskyj is in Norway – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is the first time the Ukrainian president is visiting Norway. Norway has been an important contributor to Ukraine. Among other things, there is promised support worth 1.7 per cent of gross national product, as of now no country is giving more than that. Zelenskyj and Støre will have meetings where Norway’s further support for Ukraine will be a topic, among other things. There will also be a Nordic summit with President Zelenskyj. – I warmly welcome Volodomyr Zelenskyj to Norway. Now I look forward to meeting and having conversations with him, writes Jonas Gahr Støre in a press release. Over the next four years, Norway will give NOK 75 billion to Zelenskyi and Ukraine. Fateful week Although it is the president’s first state visit to Norway, he has met several Norwegian politicians in Ukraine. Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre, former Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfeldt (Ap) and Parliament President Masud Gharahkhani are among those who have visited Kyiv during the war. It’s a fateful week for the president. At the EU summit this week, there will be a vote on more financial support for the country. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the United States. Photo: ANNA MONEYMAKER / AFP Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has already refused to provide 50 billion euros in budget support. On a US tour Yesterday, Zelenskyj was in the US and met President Joe Biden at the White House. On Zelenskyy’s part, the trip to the USA was an attempt to prevent Ukraine’s most important international supporter from reducing its support. During the meeting, Biden said that the United States will provide a support package to Zelenskyj and Ukraine of 200 million dollars. In a speech to a military university in Washington on Monday, Zelenskyy said he hopes he can still trust the United States. – We are not giving up. Putin must lose. We know what needs to be done. They can trust Ukraine, and we hope we can trust you, Zelenskyy said. – Putin’s dream scenario The Republicans have become more reluctant to support the country with large sums. Zelenskyj met, among other things, the two top leaders in the Senate. Charles Schumer described the meeting with the Ukrainian president as “very strong”. IMPORTANT SUPPORTING PLAYER: Joe Biden and Volodomyr Zelenskyj in the USA. Photo: CHIP SOMODEVILLA / AFP – Zelenskyj made it clear that Ukraine badly needs help and that if they get this help, they can win the war, Schumer said after the meeting. Zelenskyj said during his visit to Washington that the dispute over support for Ukraine is the dream scenario of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
