Zelenskyj is expected in Washington on Wednesday – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Fox News’ journalist Chad Pergram and the news website Punchbowl News were the first to report the visit. The website Axios also reports this. Among other things, Zelenskyj will visit the Congress, where both chambers are convened on Wednesday evening. Speaker Nancy Pelosi has asked all representatives to show up physically for what she calls “a very special focus on democracy”. According to Punchbowl News, Zelenskyj will speak in Congress, which requires an urgent decision of his own. Several mediums write that it is expected that Zelenskyj will, among other things, thank the American people for the massive arms support his country receives. Axios writes that it is expected that the US will announce that Ukraine will receive the advanced Patriot air defense system that Zelenskyj has requested. According to CNN, Zelenskyj will also meet President Joe Biden at the White House, where the preparations will all be underway. Security around Capitol Hill must already be tightened. The visit will be Zelenskyi’s first to the United States since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. In any case, it is also his first known visit abroad since the war broke out.
