Zelenskyj asks the UN to strip Russia of its veto right – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Zelenskyj believes that the UN has fallen short in the Ukraine war and that Russia can no longer have veto power in the UN. The Ukrainian president questions the UN’s ability to ensure peace and security because Russia has veto power in the Security Council. – Everything that could have stopped Russian aggression is stopped by Russia’s seat in the Security Council, said Zelenskyj. In 2021, Zelenskyj called the UN a “retired superhero” who has forgotten how big and important the organization once was. Strong Russian protest Before the meeting started, the Russian delegation asked for an answer as to why Zelenskyj should be allowed to speak before members of the Security Council were allowed to speak. The delegation was told that the list of speakers was ready well in advance of the meeting, and that non-members can speak before permanent members if they are specially invited to participate. – It is special that Russia talks about rules, said Prime Minister Edi Rama from Albania, who holds the presidency of the Security Council. There was great excitement over whether Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov would be seated in the hall during Zelenskyi’s speech. It is currently unclear whether Zelenskyj will remain seated when Lavrov speaks. The UN chief asked for a diplomatic solution – Russia’s war in Ukraine in violation of international law is exacerbating geopolitical tensions and increasing the nuclear threat, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in his introduction to the meeting before calling for peace. – There is no alternative to a diplomatic solution, Guterres continued. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a meeting of the UN Security Council on the Middle East on 25 April. Photo: MIKE SEGAR / Reuters Putin is wanted internationally because of the war and is therefore not at the meeting in New York. But Foreign Minister Lavrov has a tight schedule. He will address the general assembly on Saturday, and has planned around 20 bilateral meetings in New York. Weapons The Ukraine war casts dark shadows over the UN’s high-level week in New York, which revolves around climate, US-China relations, and poor countries in the south. For Zelenskyj, it is very important to secure more weapons from the United States and other Western countries. The Ukrainian president therefore applauded Joe Biden’s speech yesterday when he expressed continued support for Ukraine. – Russia alone is responsible for this war. Russia alone has the power to end the war immediately, Biden said.
