Zelenskyj asks that Russia’s veto power be removed – Latest news – news

21 September 2022 at 23:37 Zelenskyi asks that Russia’s veto right be removed In a speech to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday evening, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi demands criminal prosecution against Russia and its aggression. – A crime has been committed against Ukraine and we demand a fair punishment, Zelenskyj said in a video speech on Wednesday evening. The punishment should include exclusion from voting in international bodies, and Russia should be stripped of its right of veto in the UN Security Council, the president said. Furthermore, he said that Russia must be punished for trying to steal Ukraine’s territories, for taking the lives of thousands of people. Tortured women and men. In the speech, he promised that Ukraine will recapture all areas that have been occupied, but that the country needs more weapons and time to achieve this. Zelenskyj is the only leader who has been allowed to deliver a speech via video to the UN summit, reports the AFP news agency.
