Youth shot at the police with fireworks – Latest news – news

30 December 2022 at 21:27 Youth shot at the police with fireworks – We received a report about the unreasonable use of fireworks on Ellingsrud, so we went up there with several patrols, says Sven Christian Lie, operations manager in the Oslo police district. When the police arrived, several young people ran away from the area around Ellingsrud square. There they had set off fireworks towards the square and towards each other. – The young people continue to shoot fireworks from a distance at the police. They clearly had no understanding of the damage potential fireworks can pose, says Lie. The police have now got hold of nine young people, all of whom are aged 15 and over. – We are in the process of contacting parents. It may well be that we order the parents to pick up their hopefuls. The young people will also be expelled from the area, adds Lie.
