Young person robbed at knifepoint by 10 young boys in central Oslo – Greater Oslo

A 15-year-old boy who is a participant in the Norway Cup was robbed on Tuesday afternoon by ten young boys in the center of Oslo. One of the robbers allegedly threatened the 15-year-old with a knife, according to witnesses. The police have arrested six boys who they believe may be behind the robbery, who have now been released. They did not want to explain themselves to the police. – There is no reason to believe that there is any acquaintance between the victim and the arrested, says operations manager Bjarne Pedersen. The police will also investigate whether there are more people behind it. The parents of the six people have been notified. They must be between 13 and 17 years old. All are known to the police from before. The boy was hit in the face in connection with the robbery. He was taken to the emergency department by ambulance. – Crazy unnecessary General manager of Elverum football, Georg Flatgård says that the 15-year-old was in town with two other players when the robbery happened. – What I have been told is that three of our players have had a mobile phone and some sunglasses stolen. One was assaulted and sent to the emergency room, which says it is a mild concussion. – We must make sure that this does not put a damper on the great activity football is, says the general manager of Elverum football. Photo: Eastlander Flatgård says that the guardians are on their way to pick up the boy. He gets to play not played matches at first. – There was actually supposed to be a match at seven o’clock tonight, which he is not allowed to take part in. The general manager says that it puts a damper on a fantastic week of football. – This is unbelievably boring, and insanely unnecessary. – A bit scary According to the police, the victim will be in Oslo in connection with the Norway Cup. The 15-year-olds Håvard, Ludvik, Lasse and Jakob from Førde have all made the trip to Oslo to take part in the Norway Cup. – It’s a bit scary that it could happen to us, then. But we never go alone, so we always have someone around us, says Håvard. The 15-year-olds Håvard, Ludvig, Lasse and Jakob have left Førde for Oslo to take part in the Norway Cup. Photo: Harpreet Kaur Nijjer / news Ludvik thinks it is stupid that one of the participants at the Norway Cup has been robbed. He says that the Norway Cup and Oslo should be a good place for all young people. – Does that make you a little skeptical of Oslo? – It affects you a little, but there is little chance of that happening to us, I think. Then I don’t think too much about it, says Jakob. Norway Cup general manager Øystein Sundelin thinks it is sad that one of the participants was robbed. – It is incredibly unfortunate and sad to hear about. Arriving in Oslo must be completely safe. Sundelin says that the boy will now be followed up by the police, but that they too will stand up if the need arises. – If we are the ones to follow up, we will do so in close dialogue with the emergency services. Struck in the face Witnesses at the scene tell news that the victim arrived on a scooter with a bag. According to the witness, a boy takes the bag and the scooter and runs away. After a while he returns to the scene with the scooter, but without the bag. It must have happened outside Paleet in Karl Johans gate. – It is startling that this is happening on Karl Johans gate in the middle of the day, says task leader Brian Skotnes to Aftenposten. Operations manager Pedersen says that the robbers must have brought a pair of sunglasses. The police have now ended the search for the people behind the robbery in Karl Johans gate. Photo: Emilie Holtet / NTB – Safe city for young people Mette Tron is team leader for the Outdoor Section in Oslo. She says that they work with young people throughout the year. During the Norway Cup, district external contacts and the Welfare Agency have a large presence in Ekebergsletta and the surrounding areas. – Generally speaking, Oslo is a safe city for young people and adults, says Tron. Team leader in the outdoor section Mette Tron says that they have a large presence at Ekebergsletta during the Norway Cup. Photo: Nadir Alam / news In the city centre, where the robbery took place, the Outdoor Section patrols outside as normal. Tron emphasizes that they always have a patrol in the center that has an extra focus on young people. Published 30.07.2024, at 13.21 Updated 30.07.2024, at 21.17
