Young people go to the doctor with an ear canal infection due to earplugs – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary More and more young people get ear infections due to the frequent use of earplugs. Eirik Brun-Lunde (18) wears earplugs for up to eight hours every day, and also often sleeps with them in his ears. Excessive use of earplugs leads to increased humidity and heat in the ear canal, which creates good conditions for bacteria and fungi. Earplugs can also push earwax further into the ear canal which can lead to calcified earwax. There is an increase in ear canal infections and petrified earwax among young people. Doctors believe this is linked to the use of earplugs. Earplugs can irritate and damage the skin in the ear canal. It can be a gateway for fungi and bacteria. – I probably wear earplugs for six to eight hours every day. In addition, I often use them at night. Eirik Brun-Lunde’s frequent use of earplugs means that his ears regularly hurt. – It gets to a point where it hurts and you have to take them out a little. It is also unpleasant to wake up after sleeping with music in your ears, he says. Eirik is a student at Stavanger Cathedral School. He says the choice of earplugs has a lot to say about how much his ears hurt. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen What Eirik describes here is part of a bigger problem today, according to doctors. Going to the doctor with pain – I have seen a significant increase in ear canal infections and petrified earwax due to the use of earplugs. Usman Rana is an ear-nose-throat specialist at Aleris. He says that young patients in their teens tell him that they fall asleep with earplugs in their ears, or that they walk around with earplugs for hours during the day without a break. Ear-nose-throat specialist at Aleris, Usman Rana. He sees increased complaints of itching, discharge, eczema and infections in the ear canals. Photo: Aleris Good conditions for infection – Excessive use of earplugs leads to increased humidity and heat in the ear canal, and then bacteria and fungi thrive, says Rana. Earplugs say he can also push earwax further into the ear canal, so that it becomes packed and hard. – Ear canal infections are often related to q-tip use or more seasonally related to the bathing season, points out Rana. Now he sees ear canal infections all year round. The doctor thinks it’s because of earplugs. Have you experienced pain in your ears after wearing earplugs a lot? Yes, but I haven’t had to go to the doctor 👨‍⚕️ Yes. Had to go to the doctor 😷 No, have never experienced discomfort ✨ Never use earplugs 🎧 Show result Marked by several doctors There is little research that shows the extent of ear canal infection linked to the use of earplugs. But a study from Pakistan shows that ear canal infection was particularly linked to those who used earplugs frequently (external link). – The challenge associated with the use of earplugs is discussed by ear-nose-throat doctors in large parts of the world, says Rana. Earplugs have become an essential part of our everyday life. Some use them more than others. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen / news news has also been in contact with the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic in Haugesund. They confirm that it is a far more common problem. – Changed habits with increased use of these during the pandemic have probably done their part, says ear-nose-throat specialist Berge Severin Andreassen. It is rare for the infections to become serious, he says. – But they are often very painful. Ear-nose-throat specialist Berge Severin Andreassen at Haugesund ENT. Photo: Line Møllerhaug Not experiencing the same thing Hans Kristian Røkenes is head of the Norwegian Association for Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. He does not recognize himself in what Rana experiences among his patients. – I do not experience that the number of infections in the outer ear canal has increased, nor can I remember that I have had anyone who has had this in connection with the use of earplugs, he says. Nevertheless, he can see that infections can occur. – Infections in the outer ear canal are linked to increased moisture in the ear. In any case, hygiene will be a topic. All stoppers should be cleaned with soap and water and dried well before use, says Røkenes. He believes that earplug use can be compared to a hearing aid. – It is not unusual for those who are dependent on hearing aids to have inflammation in the ear canal. Hearing aids also have plugs, so the same problem arises, he says. Entry gate for fungi and bacteria Sverre Karmhus Steinsvåg is head of the Ear, Nose and Throat Department at Sørlandet Hospital and professor at the University of Bergen. He has no figures, but says it is not inconceivable that earplugs lead to more young people now going to the doctor because of ear canal infections. Head of department for the ear-nose-throat department at Sørlandet Hospital and professor at UiB, Sverre Karmhus Steinsvåg. He confirms that excessive use of earplugs can be harmful to your ears. Photo: Per-Kåre Sandbakk – These plugs can irritate and damage the skin in the ear canal. It can be a gateway for fungi and bacteria, he says. – Nice to use 18-year-old Eirik has never gone to the doctor himself because of severe pain in his ears. But he notices that more people his age go to the doctor more often with infections. – People have them in their ears constantly. It’s not so good, he says. Eirik uses earplugs at work, school and training. It has become a fixed routine to often have sound in the ear. – It’s a bit nice to use them too, he adds. There is a good chance that Eirik’s ears are plugged if you meet him. Photo: Simon Elias Bogen – Don’t sleep with earplugs Aleris doctor Rana advises you not to use earplugs, but rather that you should be careful how much you have them in your ears. – I use earplugs myself, and am very happy with them. But you have to take a break from using them and not use them for hours every day, he says. 1 in 5 young people regularly sleep with earplugs in their ears (external link). Rana says this is not a good idea. – Also, you should avoid using them when you notice that the ear canal is irritated and itches a lot. And for those of you who suffer a lot, the doctor says you should switch to earmuffs that go outside the ears. Hey, you! Do you have any thoughts you’re stuck with after reading this case? Or maybe you have tips for something else I can write about? Please contact! 👇
