Young people feel lonely during the summer holidays – Elisabeth found friends on Facebook group – news Vestland

Elisabeth Lie Hansen (22) moved to Bergen a year ago to study. It took a while before she dared to tell the public that she has no plans this summer. She needs someone to be social with. – I try to find friends who are in the same situation as me. That is why she recently posted a contact ad on the Facebook page HeyGirl Bergen. Here girls can find others who also need a network. – I got a feeling that I dressed naked in a way. It is vulnerable to express a need for a larger social network. She is not alone in needing contact with others. An overview from Bergen municipality’s help and conversation offer Ung Arena shows that the theme of loneliness tops the list of what young people say they struggle with. In the last 18 months, thousands of children and young people have been contacted about their problems. This struggles the young people with 1. Loneliness 2. Anxiety (sad thoughts) 3. Eating disorder 4. Gender identity 5. Difficult relationships TAKE ACTION: Elisabeth broke a barrier when she finally dared to look for new friends. The hope is to establish a new friendship so as to avoid being alone this summer. Photo: TONY ÅGOTNES / news Summer can intensify loneliness Young people who feel lonely are an increasing trend. Earlier this year, it became known that Norwegians feel more lonely after two years of pandemic. And politicians want to do something about the problem. In the Storting, it was decided in June that a plan be made to reduce loneliness in society. – Being lonely gives you the feeling of being empty and alone. You have a need that is not taken care of and that is dependent on other people, says the 22-year-old. Summer is a time when the feeling of loneliness can become extra strong. – I often see on social media that a lot of people are together. It’s easy to think that something has to happen all the time. You start wondering: Why am I not invited? It can help maintain the feeling of loneliness, says the 22-year-old. The schools have holidays, the leisure club is closed and the sports team has a break. Professor at the Department of Social Psychology Mari Hysing says that many have high expectations of having a good summer. CHALLENGING: Psychology professor Mari Hysing explains that loneliness is the experience of being alone. If the feeling of loneliness persists over time, it can lead to mental difficulties. Photo: TONY ÅGOTNES / news – At the same time, many of the organized activities that contribute to the social community have also taken a holiday. The consequence is that the feeling of loneliness becomes much stronger, she says. Will remove the shame The person who feels lonely can also do something about their situation. – Recognize that loneliness is common and perfectly fine. Take away the shame and the negative thoughts of being lonely. Try to overcome the resistance to take the initiative to be social. Do not be afraid of being rejected, says Hysing. The feeling of loneliness says something about a person’s need. Maren Tveit-Winther, department manager for Ung Arena Maren, says many young people need to air their thoughts and feelings. – For some, the path from loneliness to negative self-talk and the negative thoughts is short. Many people think that they are alone because no one wants to be with them. Others think they do not want to be a nuisance to others, she says. YOUNG PEOPLE ARE LONELY: There is a growing tendency for young people to say that they are lonely. Many are very physically alone without enough people around them. Photo: Ung Arena / Bergen municipality Got a grip on advertisement The 22-year-old Elisabet looks brighter in the summer after she posted the advertisement on Facebook. She has been in contact with girls who also need new friends. LOOKING FOR FRIENDS: She thrives in her own company. But can also be social with others. Now she hopes someone will be friends with her in Bergen. Photo: TONY ÅGOTNES / news – Now I have received a couple of answers from some girls who want to meet me. I’m really looking forward to that.
