Young people choose part-time jobs that give a lot of freedom – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: More young people are taking time off from work to prioritize leisure. Alysa Lien (18) believes flexibility, such as being able to choose or change shifts, is the most important thing for her to choose a job. The major staffing agencies confirm that the younger generation expects greater flexibility from the workplace. Alysa Lien (18) has time off from school, which basically means good opportunities to earn some extra money. Nevertheless, she has chosen to take time off from work. There is a recurring trend when staffing agencies need to find temporary workers: Free time is prioritized. Wanting to pick off guards anytime Alysa sneaks between two clothes racks to grab a hair clip she just has to try. Her shopping hobby is financed by Kilden Kino in Tønsberg, where she works every second weekend. – It’s nice to earn money, because otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to afford everything I want in my spare time, she says. Tomorrow, for example, Alysa is going on a cabin trip with her group of friends. She could have been at work the other days, but rather wanted to chill and hang out with friends. Employers who employ young people should facilitate flexibility, Alysa believes. Being able to choose or change shifts continuously is the most important thing for her to choose one job over another. Previously, Alysa worked at McDonalds, but the position she had there was not as flexible as she wanted. That’s why she changed jobs. The flexibility means that Alysa does not miss parties, cabin trips and spontaneous gatherings. – It may sound demanding, but I am not the only one who works there. There are often others who want my guards anyway, she explains. More freedom and higher demands news has been in contact with large staffing agencies such as Adecco, Job Zone and Personalhuset. Everyone confirms that the younger generation expects greater flexibility from the workplace in terms of working hours and place of work. Maria Sølie Holmstrøm works as an educational advisor in Personalhuset. She thinks most of the young people they employ are conscientious and hardworking. Yes, in fact, more and more young people have summer jobs, and almost 9 out of 10 students work. At the same time, the adviser sees a trend where more young temporary workers take more time off and have higher demands than before. According to Maria, they are more picky about work tasks, working hours and workplace. – I have had reactions from young people who work in the nursery that they were standing in the kitchen for a whole day. Others have reacted to being deprived of a paid lunch break to sort out something critical, says Maria. Workplaces that can offer a home office and more flexible working hours are therefore most popular, according to Maria. Employer Sølvi Anvik sees much of the same as Maria. She employs young people at Anvikstranda and Donavall camping in Larvik every summer. Young people who apply for a job with her will have more time off than before. This means that Sølvi has to employ more people. In addition, she experiences work motivation as decreasing. She also thinks there is little understanding that she “owns” their time when they are at work. At the same time, Sølvi points out that she is satisfied with the young people she has employed. A tiring everyday life Alysa spends her days off on “everything and nothing”. This allows her to stroll through the city center streets and make time for a cafe visit with Marcus Seemann-Jensen (18). They have in common that they both sit on the youth council in Vestfold. Marcus is going to work at Biltema in Larvik this afternoon, but worked a little extra last week to take the days off when his friends are going to hang out. 07.51MMarcus: Hi, is it okay if I take Magnus’s shift on the 22nd and he takes mine on the 24th? 07.52SThe boss: Absolutely fine. I write it down on the list. When he’s not working, training, at school or hanging out with friends, he thinks it’s important to have time to relax with series. – It takes three hours a day to do this, he says. Alysa couldn’t agree more: – Everyday life is so tiring. When I first have the opportunity to take time off and relax or do something fun, I take it. Alysa does not have large monthly expenses, which means that it is not too dangerous to drop a shift or two. The adviser from the staffing agency believes that more young people are getting more financial help from home than before, which also contributes to them prioritizing shifts. – I see a tendency for more and more people well into their 20s to have almost no work experience, but rather two or three bachelor’s degrees, she says, and adds: – It will be tougher to go out to work then. Hello! Thank you for reading my case! Do you have thoughts about the case you have read or input on new issues young people are interested in? Feel free to send me an email!
