Young man from Troms charged with sexual abuse and rape of 17 children – NRK Troms and Finnmark

The accused man has been apprehended by the police repeatedly. He was first arrested in June last year. In December, he was arrested again and it was decided to remand him in custody. However, the man was released due to his mental health. In retrospect, the police have uncovered several abuses that he is said to have committed in the time before he was remanded in custody. The man is also said to have defied the contact ban against several of the offended in the case. – It is further informed by the police that the accused has recently established himself in a new group of friends with young boys. – The chronology of the case shows that the accused does not refrain from committing the acts he is charged with even if he is arrested and given restrictions, the indictment states. On Monday this week, the man was arrested again and charged with several assaults. Both cyber-abuse and physical abuse According to the imprisonment order from Nord-Troms and Senja District Court, the abuse must have taken place over a period of one year. The charge applies to both cyberbullying and physical abuse, including the rape of children under 14 years of age. There are currently 17 victims in the case. The police investigation shows that the man has obtained contact with several of the victims via fake Snapchat accounts. – The case documents and the indictment show that the accused has a mode where he, partly through building friendships and relationships and partly through fictitious Snapchat accounts, is in a position to commit the sexual assaults. The accused man has acknowledged some of the circumstances. Mental health problems According to the prison sentence, the accused has mental health problems that have not been fully investigated. This was also the reason why he was released after the previous imprisonment. Now, however, a place has been reserved for the accused in Trondheim prison, where he can be offered proper custody and follow-up. The man is remanded in custody for four weeks. NRK has so far not succeeded in getting in touch with the man’s defense counsel or police lawyer in the case.
