Young man died after stabbing in Bærum – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– The man in his twenties died on the night of Saturday from the injuries he sustained, the police said in a press release on Saturday morning. The perpetrator is said to have run from the scene after the stabbing. One person has been charged. Later that night, the accused in the case reported to the police in Sandvika. He has been charged under the legal minimum age, and is now being taken care of by the child protection service, the police say. The accused is known to the police from before. The bus where the stabbing may have taken place. Photo: Kenneth Kandolf Haug / NTB Critically injured Operations manager Rune Hekkelstrand stated late on Friday evening that a man in his 20s has been sent to hospital with critical injuries. The police were notified of the incident by AMK around 9.30pm. Work was carried out with life-saving first aid at the scene. Police cars at the scene where a person is said to have been stabbed on Friday night. Photo: Frederik Ringnes / NTB The operations manager states that there are several witnesses to the incident, and that they were on the scene with many resources. The perpetrator was at large for a long period. – The police are on the scene with dog patrol, helicopter and other resources. The police must have “a possible name” – Do you know if the victim and the perpetrator have a relationship to each other? – It is too early to say now. It could be, but we have to investigate, says team leader Arve Røtterud at the scene. The police have questioned many witnesses, some of them young. – We have five to six good witnesses, confirms Røtterud. The first reports to the police indicate that an incident occurred inside the bus. A person is said to have gone over and stabbed the victim. The person in question then ran from the scene. The police must have “a possible name and a possible address” that they relate to, says the task leader.
