You must watch out for dogs and pets this Easter – news Nordland

Easter is just around the corner. That means orange, quick lunch, lamb roll and cocoa. It also means that Norwegians go on a trip, with or without skis on their feet. Often together with our four-legged friends. Student and influencer Elisabeth Mathisen from Narvik often goes on ski trips in the mountains, and there she often takes her Jack Russell Terrier Ace with her. – It can be great and not so great, says Mathisen, who shares tour photos with his 100,000 followers on Instagram. Mathisen says that there is a lot to think about when going on a walk with the dog. – There are a lot of things you have to think about when you go on a ski trip, she says. Because at Easter, there are several potential dangers for the four-legged: Often the dogs have to be stitched up. Ski trips with the dogs in particular can be dangerous, says veterinarian Lene Rasmussen at the Rana veterinary office. – There is something special about going on a trip with a steel edge on the skis. The vet explains that every year they bring in many dogs that have to be stitched up because the steel edges have made wounds in the skin. – Most people who have dogs know this, and do not have steel edges, but then there are some new dog owners who are not aware of this danger, says Rasmussen. And not much is needed. – It is done very quickly. It’s just that they run at once and suddenly go in the rut, then it can be a small, large or deep wound. It is very common that they have to be sewn. Elisabeth Mathisen uses commands to keep Ace away from the steel edges of her skis. Photo: Privat Mathisen uses clear commands to keep the terrier Ace away from the steel edges. She has worked on that consistently since she started taking him on trips. – It is very important to get those commands in, she says. There are also other things you should be aware of when you take your dog on a walk during the Easter season. Sunscreen & sunglasses – The sun can take a toll on your cheeks and nose. How about dogs? – The vast majority of dogs are well-furred. But then you have some who have little fur, especially on the bridge of the nose and maybe the ears too. Those whose skin is pink and you can see through the fur that you have pink skin, they can actually get sunburnt, the vet says. It may be a good idea to apply sunscreen here. – Ordinary sunscreen for people on the nose, she says. And there are actually sunglasses for the dogs. Certainly not with a hoop behind the ear. – The dogs can also become snow blind. If you are out in very bright sun and will be outside for a long time. Then it might be a good idea to put on those sunglasses. There are actually sunglasses for dogs, says the vet. Elisabeth Mathisen says that the dog Ace is not a fan of wearing sunglasses. Photo: Privat But it can be difficult to get the dog to wear sunglasses. Terrien Ace is not a fan of wearing them. – I see that there are many dogs who use ski goggles. And I have tried, but he absolutely does not want to use it, says Mathisen, and adds: – But if there is an opportunity to do so, it is best to teach your dog that from the start. The dogs also get stiff It’s not just us two-legged people who get stiff and stiff in turn. This also applies to dogs. – It has been winter and quiet for a long time, and then you have to go skiing for many hours, and then you can get stiff. Older dogs in particular, who are not very well trained, can quickly become a bit stiff and stiff, says vet Rasmussen. – You should look after the dog and take them on a slightly shorter walk the next day. Then there are also painkillers and anti-inflammatory medicines that you can use if things get bad. – How do you see that you have been a little too hard? – Preferably when they have a doctor for a while and relax, and then they get up and are often stiff or limp on one foot. Elisabeth Mathisen always checks the trip before she takes the terrier Ace Photo: Privat Mathisen says she always checks the trip before she takes Ace. It is certainly not all trips that she takes him on, especially if the trip is long. – He may find it boring in the long run. Then he can become restless and, for example, bite sticks. Sometimes I simply turn around. Both for my well-being and his. Sore paws After a long winter, you may not have been out that much, and you use the dogs more than they are used to. Easter and fine weather can provide many hours outside. Potane simply needs to be hardened. An abrupt transition can make them sore on the paws. Especially if there are narrow roads. – Then you can use paw wax or ointment to keep them soft, or you can use socks, says the vet. Terrien Ace also uses paw socks when owner Elisabeth Mathisen notices that his paws are starting to hurt, or when they are on slippery and icy roads. Photo: Privat Hide the treat bowl (a place only if you find it) On these long trips, it may be a good idea to bring a box of wet food with you, according to the vet. – It is very good that they also get food and drink, says Rasmussen. Easter also means good food and Easter eggs filled with chocolate. You have to be careful here. – Both chocolate in large quantities, especially cooking chocolate, is very dangerous for dogs. Grapes and raisins can also be dangerous for dogs in small quantities, says veterinarian Rasmussen. Here you have to be particularly careful if the dog is at home alone while you are on a trip. – Then it might be a good idea to hide the candy bowl. Chocolate in large quantities can be dangerous for dogs. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB scanpix She is also clear that one should be careful with both leg of lamb and leg and other things. – You are a bit tempted to give them leftovers and such, but you have to know the dog and know what they tolerate and be careful with the amount and such, says Rasmussen.
