– You may want to bring some handkerchiefs in your hand luggage – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Many have probably looked forward to a summer without the corona. But we are constantly reminded that the virus is here, only in new variants. Several online newspapers have recently written about BA. The 5 variant, which has increased sharply in several European countries. The restrictions may be gone, but it is still wise to stay up to date, says assistant health director Espen Nakstad. Traveling with symptom? If, for example, you get coronary symptoms shortly before departure, you should take precautions, according to the assistant health director. Then you may want to find the tests with the long q-tips again. MOUTH BINDING AND CROWN CERTIFICATE: Assistant Director of Health Espen Nakstad advises everyone to update themselves on the rules that apply in the countries they will visit this summer. Photo: Javad Parsa / Javad Parsa – You should test yourself to clarify whether you have covid-19, and take into account that the disease may progress and that you can infect others on the journey, says Nakstad. It is also advisable to test yourself, if it has something to say for others than yourself. For example, if you are going to visit a vulnerable person, who may be waiting for a refreshing dose. Or if you work in the health service. And should you be so unlucky that you get sick before departure, the time of infection can also give you a clue as to whether it is safe to travel or not. – If you get symptoms a week or more before departure, you will most likely not be contagious during the trip. Nakstad adds that it is first and foremost your general condition that decides whether you should travel or not. Advice before the trip: Your general condition determines whether you should travel or not Take into account that the disease can still develop and that you can infect others on the trip Check if your travel insurance covers cancellation in case of covid-19 disease, and contact the GP’s office at need for a medical assessment or medical certificate. If you become ill, you should keep to yourself, and if you have to move – wear a face mask Have some face masks in your hand luggage, then you are prepared Take into account that the use of a corona certificate may change during the summer Stay up to date on current rules on reopen.europa.eu (current coronation measures in each individual European country), regjeringen.no (Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ travel advice for the whole world) and helsenorge.no/koronavirus/reise (comprehensive information on travel and coronation certificate) Source: Norwegian Directorate of Health Advice on bandages and certificate You may have put the pack with a face mask in a drawer, or thrown it away. They may be worth finding out again, if you are going to travel. In some countries, there are still requirements for face masks, primarily on public transport. – It may therefore be a good idea to carry some handkerchiefs in your hand luggage, so that you are prepared to travel the same way, says Nakstad. In addition, Portugal, France and Malta, among others, are required to have a corona certificate. You should still follow along, if you are going to travel to another country that does not require a certificate. – One must take into account that the use of corona certificates may change during the summer if the infection situation worsens. Immunity is gradually weakened after vaccination, and especially the antibody level turns out to fall sharply in the first 6 months after vaccination. – It is still difficult to measure the cellular immunity, that is, the memory cells’ memory and function when we are exposed to the virus. Therefore, it is difficult to say exactly how long one has protection and exactly how good he is in the long run, says Nakstad. Uncertain future In Europe, there is now a tendency for an infection week. There may be several reasons for this, Nakstad believes. – New and more contagious virus variants, diminishing immunity with time after illness and vaccination, normalized pattern of contact between humans throughout Europe. For example, it is uncertain how long BA will last. The 5 variant will actually spread in summer and autumn, before it is acquired by the population immunity in a quarter of individual countries. – But the experiences from South Africa and Portugal show that we can get a wave of infection with a clearly increased burden on health services depending on vaccination status and population immunity, says Nakstad. Back to normal At Sandefjord Airport Torp, the high season with extra heavy traffic has started no. Few passengers wear face masks anymore, and the test center that was at the airport has been closed. There is little reminiscent of the pandemic there now. According to marketing manager Tine Kleive-Mathisen, the situation at the airport is more or less back to normal when it comes to corona. NORMAL: According to marketing manager Tine Kleive-Mathisen at Sandefjord Airport Torp, few travelers have questions about corona no. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news – There are a good number of inquiries in relation to the possibility of a strike, but not many people ask about the corona. The same is stated by several travel agencies that news has been in contact with. – There are quite a few who ask about this now. It seems like most people are pretty up to date. Most people ask about strikes and cancellations, says marketing manager at the travel agency Ticket, Ellen Wolff Andresen.
