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As you can see in the video above, everything didn’t go smoothly for Samuelsson when he had a shot at a medal in the last shooting. The Swede entered target three when he was supposed to shoot target four. Thus, the blue-yellow anchorman had to turn around and go back to his disc. – How is it possible? There was a lot of strange things here, a lot of strange things, commented Andreas Stabrun Smith on news. Samuelsson himself struggles to understand how he managed to go wrong. – I look at the official and don’t quite know where he is pointing. But it doesn’t really matter, I know I’m going to come in at number four, explains Samuelsson and despairs: – It’s just strange, it happens very quickly. FLAU: Sebastian Samuelsson felt stupid after the mistake in the last shooting. Photo: Anders Boine Verstad / news news’s ​​expert Ola Lunde stood on the stand and shook his head. – He was a little behind, and then he just messes it up. He will try an offensive series, cannot handle it and loses focus, says Lunde. – Must do better Samuelsson himself was almost a little embarrassed after finishing. – It looks like I have a bad overview. I will do better, says the Swede. – It’s clumsy. You feel a little stupid. I was stressed and wanted to do everything quickly, he explains to the Swedish Expressen. He came into the final shooting 30 seconds behind the leading trio of Norway, Austria and Italy. But Italy’s anchor Tommaso Giacomel missed and missed – giving Samuelsson hope for bronze. But even with two penalty rounds, Giacomel secured Italian bronze – thanks to Samuelsson who missed four times and had to go out in the penalty round. – It’s sad, we wanted to do much better today. We also know that the pair relay is an exercise where things can go either way. I wish I could have made a better effort, says the Swede to news. It finally ended with the sour fourth place for the Swedes behind Norway, Austria and Italy. – Passive and cowardly He is critical of his own efforts in the last standing series which ended with a trip to the penalty round. – I became a bit passive and cowardly and didn’t quite dare press on. I found that it was blowing a bit more and I didn’t dare to do exactly what I was supposed to. I was perhaps a bit tired in the head, it wasn’t quite my best effort, says Samuelsson. FOURTH PLACE: It thus ended with a sour fourth place for Sweden. Photo: Matthias Schrader / AP Teammate Hanna Öberg followed the drama from the sidelines, but did not want to place any blame on the anchorman. – He discovered it quickly anyway. I think he saw he had the opportunity when the Italian missed and wanted to shoot quickly. But I think he had to shoot full to beat the Italian anyway, says Öberg. Before the race, the pairs relay was built up as an international match between Norway and Sweden, as the other countries did not field their supposedly best teams. Samuelsson admits that he did not cope well on Thursday. – I felt a bit of it. We wanted to do well, it’s an even competition. I get a little stressed, a little cautious at the same time. It was not good, concludes Samuelsson.
