You can see Venus and Jupiter side by side from the whole of Norway – news Vestland

On Wednesday evening, many people looked up at the sky and wondered what the two luminous dots were for. Several have contacted both news and the police because they wonder what is going on. – They are the two planets Jupiter and Venus, says Håkon Dahle, astrophysicist at the University of Oslo. Venus is the brightest object in the sky, seen away from the Moon. Usually Jupiter is next on the list. This means that both are clearly visible in the sky, as long as they are not too close to the sun. – They don’t shine particularly brightly at night, but people notice it because they are so close to each other, says Dahle. – Quite rare And if you have binoculars, you can see more. – I would recommend taking a look with binoculars or a small telescope, because then you can also see the four largest moons of Jupiter, says the astrophysicist. – It is quite rare that one can see it in the same field of vision: Jupiter, Venus and the moons of Jupiter. Although it looks like the planets are close together, in reality they are far from each other. Venus orbits between the Earth and the Sun, while Jupiter orbits further out. Photo: Screenshot The police in Trøndelag have received several calls about the two powerful lights. That caused them to contact the Norwegian Armed Forces, NTB writes.
