– You can feel the heat – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

– The experience is completely indescribable. That’s what Norwegian Mian Abdul Khaliq says, who is now in the Muslims’ holiest city, Mecca. He is one of 1.8 million people who have gathered in the city to perform the hajj pilgrimage. The Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia that all adult Muslims must undertake at least once in their lifetime, provided they can afford it. This year, the Hajj season lasts 14-19. June, and during the journey the pilgrims will perform a number of rituals in and around Mecca. TawafHajj starts at the Kaaba, which according to tradition was first built by the prophet Adam, and rebuilt by Abraham after the flood. Here the pilgrims must walk seven times around the Kaaba, in what is called tawaf. The purpose of the ritual is to remind the pilgrims that religion should be at the center of their lives. Source: SNL AFP Sa’i Then they will perform Sa’i, where the pilgrims will occasionally run between the two heights of al-Safa and al-Marwa. The purpose is to commemorate Abraham’s wife Hagar, who, according to the Koran, ran between the two heights in an attempt to find water for her son Ishmael. According to Islamic belief, the water source Zamzam should have opened miraculously after Hagar had prayed to God for help . Source: SNLIhram The pilgrimage begins with the pilgrims entering a state of ritual purity called ihram. In such a state, they are not allowed to smoke, curse, fight, shave, cut their nails or participate in any form of sexual relations . For men, the state of ihram is also marked by the pilgrim’s garb, two white, seamless pieces of cloth, which are to symbolize the believers’ equality and unity. AP The gathering on Mount Arafah Another part of the pilgrimage is the trip to Mount Arafat. Here the pilgrims must stay from the sun at noon until sunset. The trip takes place on the ninth day of the Islamic calendar dhu-l-hijja – also known as Arafah -the day of Arafah Day is one of the most important days for Muslims, as the Koran refers to the day when God will have “perfected” the religion. Source: SNL Unknown Rami Rami, also known as “the stoning of the devil” – is a ritual where the pilgrims throw pebbles at three stone structures. The ritual is symbolic, and refers to the story in the Koran where Abraham was urged by the devil not to sacrifice his son, Ishmael , as God wished. Source: SNL/Islamic Relief Norway 48 degrees – You can feel the heat on the body, so to speak, Saudi authorities have warned pilgrims about the high temperatures and advised people to drink enough water and avoid staying outdoors in the middle of the day. According to the AP, a spokesperson for the authorities said that almost 3,000 people suffered from heatstroke on Sunday alone. On the same day, at least 19 people were also reported to have died due to Despite the suffocating heat, Khaliq expresses joy at being able to perform the Hajj, he says. On Sunday, pilgrims embarked on a symbolic stoning of the devil. Photo: Rafiq Maqbool / AP Controls through quotas Saudi Arabian authorities expect the number of travelers this year to exceed the normal year before the corona pandemic. According to AP, the authorities control the flow of pilgrims through quotas, where they allow each country one pilgrim for every thousand Muslim citizens present in the country. However, other factors can also affect how many a country can send. A woman rests under an umbrella, in the hot heat. The last few days the temperature has been between 43 and 48 degrees. Photo: FADEL SENNA / AFP The tense relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran has at times resulted in a lower quota for Iran, even though the country is among the major powers in the Muslim world. Generally, the highest number of Hajj pilgrims come from Indonesia, with Pakistan and India in second and third place. The Kaaba is the most important shrine in Islam. It is the center of the main mosque in Mecca, and the destination for all pilgrims during the hajj pilgrimage. It is also the place to which all Muslims turn in prayer. Photo: ALI JAREKJI / Reuters Larger crowds have previously proven to be dangerous during the hajj. Most recently in 2015, 2,300 people died when panic broke out during the symbolic stoning of the devil in Mina, a suburb of Mecca. – The Hajj is a journey that requires effort, says Khaliq. He says that the pilgrimage today is much easier than before because of recent developments. – The heat can be felt on the body, so to speak, Khaliq tells news. Photo: PRIVATE Published 18.06.2024, at 13.46
