You can eat this weed – many unknown useful plants in the ditch – news Nordland

It sprouts and grows in many beds and pallet frames no. And with the crop we want comes weeds. But weeds do not just have to be stupid – it can also be a useful crop. Here are some of the weeds that you can eat very well. Gossip Cabbage – “If you can not beat them, eat them”. There is a lot of weeds one can eat, and it is free food, says Camilla Helgesen. She is a project leader in urban agriculture in Bodø municipality. One of the most common plants you can find about anywhere in the country is gossip cabbage. Yarrow Yarrow is also a weed many fins in the lawn – but it is a good spice plant. Yarrow is a good spice plant. Photo: Emilie Gjengedal Vatnøy / news Use yarrow in marinade for meat or fish. Or you can use him as a fresh herb on the slice of bread Or simply put him in hot dishes. Dandelion Dandelion is a robust weed that can grow up almost anywhere. Even though he is a mare for many who want the lawn green and straight, you can eat about the whole plant. From dandelion you can make salad, wine or tea. Photo: Pål Tegnander / news Blada you can put in a salad. It tastes a bit like arugula. You can make tea from the root or you can use it as a root vegetable in pots or in omn. If you are of the wine-loving type: make wine from the flowers. Before the buds bloom, you can put them in the frying pan with a little butter, or you can pickle them. Marikåpe Jørgen Ravneberg, from Alta in Finnmark, has worked for the Michelin-starred restaurant Régis Macron in France. He has written several books about what you can pick in your own garden or at the edge of the ditch. For example, Marikåpe. Lady’s mantle looks more like a cup than a mantle and there are often drops in the plant. Photo: Hilde Bjørnskau / news – I would use it for salad, green puree or fried tempura, ie Japanese fryer, says the chef. Goat frame Or what about the beautiful, right-handed goat frame? You can also eat it. Geitrams grows in almost all of Norway and lights up ditch edges and meadows with purple flowers. Photo: Vigdis Veie Rosvoll You can use young shoots the way you use asparagus, both for grilling and frying. And you can also pickle the young Scots. You can pick and use the flowers for juice or other drinks or you can use them in desserts. Stinging nettle What is more annoying than being burned that stinging nettle while you are out walking with bare feet? But the sting can be sweet if you instead pick the weeds and cook soup on it. Wear gloves when picking and working with the nettle leaves, and rinse the leaves in cold water before use. Photo: Tone Rieber-Mohn / news – Nettle soup is so good. But you have to pick them when they are small. Then they are mildest in taste, says Helgesen from Bodø. Burot and horseradish One weed that many people are allergic to is burot. But if you are one who loves a little stronger food, burot is a good herb. Burot is like a more perfumed horseradish. Photo: Nina Kristiin Vraa / news – Burot is quite tight in taste. Fry it quite hard in butter and use, for example, chili marinade on top, says useful growth coordinator Ingrid Indergaard in the Norwegian Mushroom and Useful Growth Association. Much of the wasabi cream that one can buy at the store is made from horseradish. But you can also pick the root at the edge of the ditch. Photo: news The same applies to horseradish that you can pick at the roadside and works well as a substitute for wasabi. – If you replace wasabi with horseradish, you can save a lot of money by picking it yourself, says Indergaard. Victory onion Ramslauk is now on the red list in Austland. But ramslauk has a sister that you can eat as much as you want: Seiersløken. You can use victory onions raw in salads or other places where you would use leeks. Strandarve And you can also pick your dinner on the shore. One of the former Michelin chef’s favorites, beach heritage, can be found there. Strandarve grows on beaches in almost all of Norway and is one of the favorites of the former Mmichelin chef Jørgen Ravneberg. Photo: Jørgen Ravneberg Strandarve tastes like salt cucumber and you can find it on the beach. You should pick it in season because otherwise it can be a bit stringy. Strandarve is great as an accompaniment to aura, or instead of cucumber in tsatsiki. Ravnebergs Strandarvesaus 6 SS CRÈME FRAÎCHE 2 SS ROUGH-CHOPPED STRANDARVE 1 SS ROUGH-CHOPPED CRISEL 1 TS WHITE WINE VINEGAR 1 TS SUGAR SALT, PEPPER Run all the ingredients in a food processor until the herbs are completely finely chopped. Season with salt and pepper and put in the fridge for an hour. Whisk to a light cream before serving. news has a recipe for how you can use beach heritage in cucumber ricotta: There is also a lot of seaweed and kelp you can harvest on the shore. What are we not going to eat? But even if there is a lot you can eat, do not push yourself over everything you find in the ditch edge. That’s why Indergaard suggests starting at the other end – learn the plants you are not going to eat. Here are the three most dangerous: Sea buckthorn is considered Norway’s most poisonous plant. The whole plant is very poisonous, but there is especially a lot of toxin in the root and lower part of the stem. Even a small taste can lead to severe poisoning. Poison biscuits are a very poisonous plant. The whole plant is poisonous and the reaction often comes shortly after ingestion. The red spots on the stem are a good sign to see that it is a poison biscuit. Dog parsley contains the same toxin as poison biscuits, but probably in smaller quantities. Burning in the mouth, vomiting, thirst and cramps are some of the symptoms of poisoning. – The plants that require treatment when you eat them are perhaps the most important to know, says Indergaard. 10 on top poisonous plants Here are Indergaard’s tips for 10 on top most toxic wild plants. There are also lots of poisonous ornamental plants. 1. Selsnepe 2. Poison biscuits 3. Fox fox 4. Barlind 5. Lily of the valley 6. Silent 7. Tyrihjelm 8. Bulmeurt 9. Piggeple 10. Dog parsley Here you can see what other species you should be careful with. If you are unsure of which plant you have found, you can check in the poison information for Health Norway. He threatens that the ritual of finding one’s own food can be caring for many. In addition, he believes it is an important step towards a more sustainable society. – Many people do not quite know what to do in the tangle of information about how to help the environment. I think it is a good start to get to know the plants in the vicinity. – The more people who collect, the closer we get to a more conscious and sustainable society.
