Yellow warning for snow – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Do you think you have shoveled a lot of snow this winter? Now there will be more to come. A yellow warning for snow has been issued that applies to Agder and most of Eastern Norway. According to state meteorologist Terje Alsvik Walløe, the snowy weather in Agder starts on the night of Monday and spreads north throughout the day. He says 10-20 cm of snow can fall during a 24-hour period. – Then you have to deal with slippery roads, snow on the roads and challenging driving conditions. It is the driving conditions that are affected by the snowfall. The warning applies from 04.00 on Monday 12 February for the areas where it starts to snow first. State meteorologist Terje Alsvik Walløe says it could be slippery roads in Eastern Norway on Monday Photo: Kamilla Pedersen Calculate plenty of time This winter there have been many yellow danger warnings, he says. Although people may be getting used to snow, such weather often has consequences, according to Walløe. – Just calculate a little extra good time and drive according to the conditions. In Oslo and Østfold, most of the snow will fall in the latter half of the day. – Especially in the afternoon, evening and night of Tuesday, 10-15 cm of fresh snow will fall. This will result in smooth roads and more difficult driving conditions on major and minor roads. There may be delays in Oslo In Oslo, many travelers have experienced canceled buses and delays so far this winter. Press contact Pernille Aga in Ruter says they are planning for normal operations on Monday, but that the predicted snow may cause some delays in public transport in Oslo. – Our operators are on standby and have their measures in place. We are also following this continuously now beyond, says Aga. The measures could be that the buses use chains and studded tyres, among other things. – Where is the list for using these things? – This is what the operators themselves and the individual driver assess based on the conditions. It is safety first and then they assess what the situation is. Danger of snow drifts In western mountain regions, there is a yellow warning for snow drifts on Monday. It can cause difficult driving conditions for those going over the mountain passes from east to west in southern Norway, the meteorologist says. Walløe says that especially on the western side it will be very windy. Have plowed several times around the land Some have plowed more snow than others. Mesta states that they have plowed 1.4 million kilometers around Norway in January alone. This means that their plow trucks have been around the globe 35 times, according to Mesta. In addition, they have sprinkled and salted, among other things.
