Yellow danger level for floods and landslides in Eastern Norway and southern Trøndelag on Monday – Greater Oslo

NVE warns yellow danger level for floods and landslides in parts of Eastern Norway and the southern part of Trøndelag on Monday. The danger warning can quickly be adjusted upwards. The background for the danger warning is a lot of rain and precipitation moving from the southeast and up towards Norway. – It is still early, and there is therefore a great deal of uncertainty related to how the weather will develop and hit Norway on Monday afternoon, but we already want to inform you that the yellow danger warning we have sent out today can be upgraded to a higher danger level , says flood watcher Sjur Kolberg in the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) in a press release. It has been a wet summer in southern Norway with a lot of water still lying on the ground, which means that the weather that is coming now can quickly develop into a serious situation and lead to destruction of roads and buildings, NVE warns. Kolberg encourages everyone to use the weekend to take preventive measures. – Take a walk around the garden and clear gutters, basins and other waterways of gravel, rubbish, twigs and leaves. Move garden furniture and valuables away from areas that may be flooded. This also applies to owners of caravans, car owners and farmers who have round bales lying in exposed areas. (NTB)
