Xi Jinping is re-elected as party leader in China – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

The re-election of Xi Jinping as party leader means that he is almost guaranteed to be re-elected as the country’s president in the People’s Congress in March next year. On Sunday, he announced the country’s new top management. Xi confidently led six men into the Great Hall of the People in the capital, Beijing, in front of the press. All six are the president’s own supporters. On social media, some are calling the new leadership team Xi’s family agency. No one has more power in China than the Communist Party’s top leadership group. Not since Mao’s time has a leader wielded as much power as Xi has now. Chinese President Xi Jinping during the closing ceremony of the Party Congress on Saturday. Photo: Andy Wong / AP One of the senior managers who was present is Li Qiang (63). He is currently party secretary in Shanghai, and will most likely take over the job as prime minister. In the past, he has worked closely with Xi. During the closing ceremony of the party congress on Saturday, it became clear that Xi has carried out a dramatic purge of opponents in the party. Among other things, Prime Minister Li Keqiang was not allowed to continue in his job. Until now, he has been the second most powerful politician in China. In any case, Li was not to continue as prime minister. He could have been given a different role, but together with his allies, he was completely squeezed out. No women news followed the announcement by the Communist Party’s top leadership from a restaurant in Beijing. There, the session was shown on a big screen while people ate lunch. Some reacted with disappointment, others were indifferent. Some of the president’s supporters objected to news filming. After a couple of minutes, the big screen was turned off. The announcement by the party leadership is shown at this restaurant in Beijing, China. Photo: Philip Lote / news For the first time in 25 years, there are no women among the more than 20 members of China’s Politburo. Sun Chunlan, who was a member in the previous period, has now retired, and no other women have been appointed, writes NTB. In the previous period there were 25 members in the police bureau, now the number has been reduced by one. Challenging the world Under Xi, China has officially abolished poverty in the country. The military and especially the navy have been heavily equipped. The country has quite literally made technological quantum leaps. Bich Tran, a young Vietnamese researcher associated with the Institute for Strategic Studies in Singapore, says that Xi is gathering power in his own person at a time when both China has become an economic superpower. – Xi Jinping is often compared to Mao Zedong. There is a big difference. China under Mao’s rule was a poor developing country and completely different from China under Xi’s rule. This means that Xi’s foreign policy has far greater consequences for the world than Mao’s policy. After Mao’s death in 1976, it has been a basic rule that a president and a prime minister sit for only two terms, each of five years. Xi Jinping is now putting that rule aside. Leaving the congress On Saturday, China’s former president Hu Jintao was unexpectedly escorted out during the closing ceremony of the party congress. There were clear signs of dissatisfaction in the hall. Hu reportedly appeared reluctant to leave the meeting, but after a brief chat with President Xi and Premier Li, he was led out by a host who held him by the arm. According to the Xinhua news agency, Hu should have felt unwell. Former President Hu Jintao walks past President Xi Jinping during the closing ceremony on Saturday. Photo: Ng Han Guan / AP During the closing ceremony, China’s opposition to Taiwan becoming an independent country also became part of the constitution of the Communist Party. – It is agreed that the party’s constitution includes statements about determined resistance and prevention of separatists who want “Taiwanese independence”, the resolution states.
