Xi and Putin attend G20 summit in Bali – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Xi Jinping is coming. President Putin has also told me that he will come, says Widodo in an interview with Bloomberg. The two countries’ foreign ministers were present at the previous G20 meeting in Bali in July. The next summit will take place on 15 and 16 November. Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Chinese President Xi Jinping. Photo: Pang Xinglei / AP Biden also participates In addition to Xi and Putin, Western world leaders such as US President Joe Biden will also be present. Joe Biden will also be present at the G20 summit. Photo: Damian Dovarganes Bloomberg has unsuccessfully tried to get a comment from the Chinese side. Xi has not traveled abroad since the pandemic broke out. A Kremlin spokesman declined to comment, but Bloomberg writes that an official with knowledge of the situation confirmed that Putin plans to attend. Widodo, who has tried to take a mediating role in the war between Russia and Ukraine, has been under pressure from Western countries to withdraw Putin’s invitation to the summit. Several will also exclude Russia from the group. Putin may meet Zelenskyi Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi has said that he will come to the summit, but that it depends on who else comes. This could be the first face-to-face meeting between him and Putin since Russia invaded Ukraine in February. If President Volodymyr Zelenskyj also attends the summit, it could be the first face-to-face meeting between him and Putin since Russia invaded Ukraine. Photo: president.gov.ua It is also very tense between the USA and China after several American politicians have visited the self-governing island of Taiwan, which China considers its territory. – The great power rivalry is really disturbing, says Widodo in the interview. – What we want is for the region to be stable and peaceful, so that we can have economic growth. And I don’t think it only applies to Indonesia; Asian countries want the same, he says further.
