– Write an allergy diary and freeze the food – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary: Almost every fifth patient at vets is a dog with an allergy. There is no vaccine against feed allergy, and it is recommended to cut out what irritates the dog. Mites in dry food can trigger allergies in dogs. One solution could be to freeze smaller portions of the dry feed. The dog’s allergy can be aggravated by the climate, both outdoors and indoors. Heat, humidity and poor ventilation can increase allergic reactions. Vinegar can be used as a natural treatment for allergic dogs, as it is antibacterial and can kill fungi. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAi. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. All indications are that allergies in dogs are involved. Many people sent questions to the vet about allergies, after news published an article on the subject. The insurance companies and vets confirm that almost every fifth patient at the vets today is a dog with an allergy. Here are the five most frequently asked questions: Does the dog’s food matter? Does it help to freeze the dry food to kill mites? Are there any ingredients that dogs react more to? Does the climate inside and outside matter? Is it important to use the right soap when washing the dog? This is answered by veterinarian Camilla Lilleholt from Agder Veterinary Clinic: Does the dog’s food matter? Can the vet recommend cutting out all dry food? I have had problems with dry food and now only give animal or meat. Is it recommended for allergies? – He probably used some form of elimination method. If your dog reacts to chicken, you can give chicken for a period, keep a diary, and if the allergy returns, you know that chicken is something to stay away from. My white Bichon Havanais already got very brown around the mouth and in the corners of the eyes from regular food as a small puppy. We switched to grain-free feed, and he became completely white and fine again. Is there a vaccine against feed allergy? – There is no vaccine against allergies in the feed. There are two types of allergy. One is the one the dog breathes in and the other is the one they eat. Where the animal inhales the allergy, we can make vaccines, but with pre-allergy we have to remove the things that can irritate little by little. Veterinarian Camilla Lilleholt answered several questions from the audience about allergies in dogs, when she visited Sørlandssendingen on radio. Program leader is Tom Nicolai Kolstad. Photo: Skjermdump / news Does it help to freeze dry food to kill mites? The food that comes in large bags is often a source of problems when they are opened, and the mite can grow. I believe that raw fodder such as rumen and the like solves the problem of storage mite allergies. Alternatively, dry fodder can be stored in the freezer to avoid the growth of storage mites. Is this the solution? – Mites thrive in dry food and trigger an allergy when the dog eats it. A freshly opened bag of dry food should not have mites, so many people freeze smaller portions from the bag. Are there any ingredients that dogs react more to? Can my dog ​​react to some ingredients more than others? – Yes, beef, chicken and lamb. Some also react to soy, wheat, milk, eggs and corn. Several people who have sent questions are concerned about whether salmon oil in food can affect dogs. – It can be a contributing factor to the development of allergies, but we also know that Omega 3, which often comes from fish, is beneficial for patients with allergies. This dog has allergies in the skin, like here on the paw. Photo: Agder Dyreklinikk Does the climate inside and outside matter? Can allergies be worsened by a humid climate, such as in Western Norway? My dog ​​was very bothered by itching when we lived in Western Norway, but when she was allowed to live in the north of the country the massive itching disappeared. – Absolutely, and climate affects allergies for several reasons. We especially see an increase in allergies on warmer autumn days in Southern Norway. It can be affected by the pollen season if the animal reacts to pollen. Heat and humidity contribute to the growth of bacteria and fungi to which many dogs’ skin reacts. The indoor climate also affects dogs’ allergies. I have read the article on dog allergies and wonder if it can be elaborated a little in relation to the following claim: “Dense and modern houses increase the incidence of allergies in dogs”. Isn’t it the case that in new houses there should be less dust? – New houses are very tight and you have to make sure that the ventilation is good. The ventilation will provide more circulation and airborne dust. Some dogs react to particulate matter. But, if it’s warm and humid inside, you can have problems with mites and fungi, and the dog can get allergies from that. Is it important to use the right soap when washing the dog? We have an allergic dog. We have tried everything (Apoquel, special food, sprays and creams and collars), but in the last few months she has improved so much! When I shower her I no longer use shampoo, but vinegar – is there a tip for others? – Vinegar is one of the ingredients in many skin products for allergic dogs. That’s because vinegar is antibacterial and can kill fungus. You just have to be a little careful with the amount, as it is acetic acid, says Lilleholt. Hi! Did you think of anything in particular when you read this story or do you have tips for something else I should write about? Feel free to send me an email!
