Wreckage found in the search for the submarine – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

news.no broadcasts a press conference with the American Coast Guard at 9 p.m. Wreck remains have been found in the search area off the coast of Newfoundland. The remains were found by an unmanned mini-submarine near where the Titanic went down in 1912. Experts will now examine the wreckage, according to the US Coast Guard. The rescue work continues despite the fact that the oxygen may have been used up in the submarine that disappeared on Sunday. This is confirmed by the head of the rescue work, Admiral John Mauger in the US Coast Guard. The submarine was on an expedition to take a closer look at the wreck of the Titanic, which lies at a depth of 3,800 metres. A French remote-controlled underwater vessel has been deployed in the search. If the five missing on board are alive, it is assumed that they would have oxygen until around 1 pm Norwegian time, according to estimates from the US Coast Guard. Around 1:30 p.m., the US Coast Guard confirmed that a French underwater robot has now been deployed in the search. Water and food on board are also limited. If the submarine is on the seabed, it will be pitch dark and very cold. Worrying – I am upset and extremely concerned, says Asgeir Johan Sørensen, professor at NTNU’s Department of Marine Engineering. – There are now two scenarios. Either the submarine has moved up to the surface. Then it is critical to search based on calculations of currents and wind. But the fact that it has not been found so far makes this scenario less likely, he says. If the submarine is there on the surface of the sea, those missing do not have the opportunity to open the submarine from the inside. The Titan submarine does not have a traditional hatch in a turret on the roof, but must be lifted out of the water to open. – I consider it most likely that the submarine lies at the bottom of the sea near the Titanic, Professor Sørensen continues. Professor Asgeir Sørensen believes it is most likely that the submarine lies at the bottom of the sea, near the Titanic shipwreck. Photo: Privat In order to find the submarine at the bottom of the sea, a robot must be sent down to survey the site. – It all depends on the condition the submarine is in. If it looks intact, you have to attach a hook or use cables to lift it up. It is an extremely demanding operation. The hope is that they are alive, he says. Doubles the number of search vessels The number of search vessels in the search area near Newfoundland in the Atlantic Ocean will double between today and Friday, according to the US Coast Guard. The search is carried out in an area as large as Troms county. – We must remain optimistic and hopeful, said Jamie Frederick, search coordinator at the US Coast Guard during a press conference on Wednesday. Captain Jamie Frederick of the US Coast Guard said at a press conference yesterday that there is still hope to find the missing alive. Photo: AFP / AFP Troll A: To show how deep the missing submarine Titan is, we start by comparing it with oil platform Troll A. It stands at a depth of 303 meters. Several rescue submarines have contributed. DSRV: A rescue submarine that can help down to 1,500 metres. ROV: Is a submarine from M/S Deep Energy, can dive down to 3,000 metres. Titan was going down to the wreck of the Titanic. The ship that sank in 1912 lies at a depth of 3,800 metres. Titan can dive to a depth of 4,000 metres. The French robot Victor 6000 is being transported by ship to the search site now. It can dive down to 6,000 meters and with its “arms” the robot can attach a hook if the 6.7-metre-long submarine is stuck on the seabed. – Normally, such an operation takes weeks to plan. How this is to be done is another matter. The place where the Titanic is located is a burial ground, a boat grave. There are separate rules for burial grounds, says Asgeir Johan Sørensen at NTNU. He still believes that the submarine will be pulled straight up if it looks intact. If the submarine is without power, this will probably affect the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels inside the vessel. High levels of carbon dioxide are dangerous to humans. On Tuesday and Wednesday, uncertain knocking sounds were picked up by the search crews. The map shows where the Titanic wreck is and where the submarine is missing. – Experimental building material A few times in the past, the company OceanGate has paid for expeditions to the world’s most famous shipwreck: the Titanic at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. The submarine Titan was specially built for this purpose in 2018. The company’s aim was to arrange an experience trip to the Titanic this year. But the main goal was to conduct research. Tourism was supposed to finance this, says a former subcontractor to Oceangate, Doug Virnig, to CNN. This is what Titan looks like when it is in surface position. Photo: HANDOUT / AFP Because the submarine is completely different from similar vessels. The company used carbon fiber as a construction material instead of metal such as titanium or steel. – It is quite an experimental or unconventional way to use this material, says Doug Virnig to CNN. He worked for a subcontractor to Oceangate. This made the submarine about half as heavy – and therefore much faster. However, due to the use of carbon fiber, the Titan did not receive a conventional entry hatch in a turret on the roof. – This is very controversial because you have to lift the entire submarine out of the water to open the door to get in, Virnig continues. Instead of only accommodating two to three people, the submarine was built to accommodate five. Managing director Stockton Rush explained that they had to have room for a guide to give the tourists the best experience on the way down to the shipwreck. He among the five missing in the submarine. Stockton Rush is the CEO of OceanGate Expeditions. Photo: AFP – If you’re going to take someone to see Titanic, it’s going to be a life-changing event for them. They are not going to want to do it alone, said Stockton Rush, general manager of OceanGate to German Deutsche Welle back in 2019. Has criticized submarine security Two ex-Oceangate employees have previously sounded warnings about the weaknesses of the submarine. Professor Asgeir Johan Sørensen at NTNU criticizes the regulations for this type of adventure travel. An obvious failure is that there was no emergency vehicle nearby, he believes. The professor, on the other hand, praises what he believes is a solid search operation led by the American and Canadian authorities. But professional actors had never been allowed to dive with a vessel like the Titan at Titanic, he explains. The submarine Titan has been missing since Sunday with five people on board. Photo: HANDOUT / AFP – This type of player does not work with the same regulations as the Norwegian Navy or industrial players. They are not subject to third-party verification, says Sørensen, and refers to risk and quality assurance carried out by Det Norske Veritas for the maritime industry. – We can hope that this event, regardless of whether it ends well or not, changes the regulations for experience operators, he says. The submarine is equipped with enough oxygen for five people to breathe for 96 hours in an emergency, according to owner OceanGate.
