Wounded Ukrainian soldiers are being treated at Oslo University Hospital – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The Ukrainian soldier Vitalli (28) was in the process of providing cover fire to his fellow soldiers, when a grenade exploded close to him. He was part of the Ukrainian offensive to liberate the city of Kherson, in southern Ukraine. Fragments from the grenade hit him, entering behind the left eye. On Thursday, he was operated on by Norwegian doctors at Oslo University Hospital (OUS). They had the splinter removed from his head. – I got it as a souvenir, says Vitalli today. OPERATED: Doctors at Oslo University Hospital remove shrapnel from soldier Vitali’s eye on Thursday. The doctor in the middle keeps the splinter visible. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news The Minister of Health: – I am proud Vitalli is one of several Ukrainian soldiers who are now receiving treatment in Norwegian hospitals. 161 patients, both civilians and soldiers, have so far been brought from Ukraine to Norway, figures from the Directorate of Health show. Compared to other European countries, Norway accepts the most patients from Ukraine, compared to the number of inhabitants. – As long as there is a need, we must be willing to stand up for Ukraine, says Health Minister Ingvild Kjerkol. GRATEFUL: Vitalli appreciates the help he has received in Norway. But he wants to return to Ukraine as soon as he can. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news And more to come. In total, the Norwegian authorities will bring in as many as 500 Ukrainian soldiers in the coming months. – Will the reception of the Ukrainian soldiers come at the expense of what the healthcare system is already doing? – This of course comes at the top of a tough winter season, but it gives perspective and I am very proud of our professionals who want to help, says the Minister of Health. UKRAINE POST: The newly established Ukraine post at Oslo University Hospital has good access to specialist expertise. Many of the Ukrainians who come have very complex war injuries. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news Complex injuries Most patients who come to Norway have injuries to their arms, legs and face, explains Geir Stray Andreassen, section chief at the medevac post at OUS. It is this department that receives the wounded Ukrainian soldiers. – These are complex injuries, not just fractures, says the section supervisor. The patients who are transported to Norway also have injuries that are difficult to treat in Ukraine. Geir Stray Andreassen nevertheless believes that the Ukrainian authorities give good help to their own soldiers. – It is difficult to understand the situation in Ukraine. But based on the assumptions they have, they have done a good job, he says. WANT TO GO AGAIN: Ukrainian Oleh (30) wants to see Norway as soon as his injuries heal. – Maybe I can’t walk like before, but I will walk, he says. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news The attack in the trench Because the Ukrainian soldiers often have complicated injuries and a different bacterial flora to that found in Norway, a separate post has been set up at Oslo University Hospital. There are several Ukrainian soldiers in isolation. One of those who is lying alone is the soldier Oleh (30). His unit was attacked while they were sitting in a trench eating. Oleh suffered serious fractures in both legs and will be in Norway for a long time. – It is very nice here, he says. – I hope Norway does not experience the same as us. THE HELP: Ukrainian Oleh together with nurse Birte Espeskog. They communicate with the help of a translator on the mobile phone. Photo: Håkon Benjaminsen / news Wants to return to Ukraine Vitalli takes a smoke outside the hospital. He is grateful for the help he has received in Norway. – There are very good people here who take good care of us, he says and continues: – But you want to go home. In Ukraine, he was part of the 46th Parachute Brigade. An elite force, he says. Many of his friends are still at the front. – My brothers in arms are there and need support. It is clear that you have to go back, says Vitalli. – Are you going to win? – Of course. We have no choice.
