Working hard to keep the flounder away from houses in Flåm – news Vestland

– Now we are working hard to keep the water away, says fire chief in Aurland, Reinhardt Sørensen. He stands soaking wet along the Flåmselva in Aurland together with 15 others in the local fire service. After the river overflowed its banks in the area around the campsite, they are now doing everything they can to limit the damage during the storm that is ravaging Western Norway. Worse than a 50-year flood Fire crews have brought out bilge pumps to keep the water away from the houses in the immediate area. But it is a tough battle against the forces of nature: – Now the river flows with 219 cubic meters of water per second, which is more than a 50-year flood, says the fire chief. The limit at the 50-year flood is 206 cubic meters of water per second. – Is there a danger that the houses in the area could go up in flames? – No, but there could probably be damage to the building. Now there are at least two houses where water has come down into the basement. Aurland municipality has increased preparedness in connection with the flood situation. Arne Veum from Aurland is in the area on Friday evening. – It’s a bit hectic here. Now there are people who work together, he says. There is one house in particular that is being postponed. Here the water is 10–15 cm above the yellow building. Fire crews in Aurland have bilge pumps to get rid of the water. Earlier today, flood protection was set up. Photo: Arne Veum Working through the night About 200 meters of the road is under water. Not entirely unexpectedly, the road is closed until further notice. – The Flåmselva is huge. It flies over then to those degrees. Now run it across the road and down towards the center and the railway station, tell the parish. According to Veum, there is only 15 cm to go before the river goes over the plastic ring that shields the popular railway line. Earlier this afternoon, the municipality put up a flood protection system. Excavators have also been in place to ease the situation. The crew from the fire service will be in the area throughout the night, says the fire chief. – We also have to get hold of more people gradually, he says.
