Worked for free on weekends for eight years – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

An employee in Tokke municipality in Telemark has, according to the case papers for the municipal council, been paid too little salary since 2016. It is Telemarksavisa that writes about the case where the employee has worked full time, but has only been paid for working 82.3 per cent. The error must be due to a failure in the accounting program Agresso. Namely, the employee works 17.7 percent of the position at weekends. It is this weekend job he has done for free for eight years. The mistake was corrected on 1 May this year, and now it is being discussed how much the employee should be paid in arrears. Since the limitation period is three years, the municipal council must decide whether the employee should be paid either NOK 780,000 for the last eight years, or NOK 324,000 for the last three years. The case will be decided on 17 September.
