Worked for 14 years with the Monolith. Now more people want them to get a memorial. – news Culture and entertainment

On July 3, news was able to tell the story of the three stonemasons who helped Gustav Vigeland carve out the Monolith. They spent 14 years of their lives building Vigeland’s great masterpiece. All three probably had health problems from the dust from the granite. But their names are not to be seen in Frognerparken. news has received many inquiries from people who are now requesting a memorial. One of them is Lone Kjær, the granddaughter of one of the hidden stonemasons. Lone Kjær thinks her grandfather and the other workers deserve a memorial plaque. Photo: Tobias Prosch Simonsen / news – That it is the artist, the brain behind, who will get the main credit, I think. But it is appropriate that the stonemasons and wrought iron workers also come along, she says. Why? – Because it’s actually a big job. Many years are behind, they have dedicated their lives and health to this. – It is not true that it is where the Investors, on the other hand, got their names on a bauta at the entrance to the park. Those who donated money to Frognerparken got their own stone. Photo: Tobias Prosch Simonsen / news There is also a statue of Vigeland himself, with a hammer and chisel in hand. Kjær thinks this is misleading. Gustav Vigeland with tools he probably did not use in Frognerparken. Photo: Tobias Prosch Simonsen / news – I do not think it is right that it is there. I do not think it should have been there at all, she says. – They perform their profession Guri Skuggen is curator at the Vigeland Museum. She emphasizes that it is Vigeland who created the Monolith. – The stonemasons’ task was to copy from the plaster model over to the stone. It was craftsmanship. In that sense, they have not created the Monolith, but they have clearly been important, she says. Guri Skuggen believes there are better ways to honor the workers than putting up a memorial plaque. Photo: Tobias Prosch Simonsen / news – Everyone who worked for Vigeland, and those who work for other artists, get paid for the work they do. They perform their profession. Unusual to credit the workers Lone Kjær still thinks it is strange that the stonemasons are not mentioned in the park. – Also in our time, where we have become better at bringing out the infantry, she says. But according to Skuggen, it is still not the norm to credit the “foot people”. She highlights “The Mother”, Tracey Emin’s large sculpture that was recently set up in front of the Munch Museum. Tracey Emin is the artist behind “The Mother”. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB It required workers to cast the bronze, weld it together and place the statue. – Their names are not mentioned. There it is Tracey Emin who is mentioned. Then you can discuss whether it is right, but it is not common to point out craftsmen in that way, says Skuggen. Not the best way to honor them at the Curator says that the museum has little information about all those who worked for Vigeland. Therefore, she thinks it will be difficult to make a memory plaque. There is little information about the workers of Vigeland. Photo: Unknown person via Oslo Museum – I’m not sure if this is the best way to honor those who worked for Vigeland, she says. According to Skuggen, the Vigeland Museum would rather be better at disseminating stories about the workers online and with exhibition projects. Are you going to consider such a memorial plaque? – In that case, we must do more research first, so we get a complete overview of who worked for Vigeland. But I think it might have been something.
