Won the opening race in the show jumping – thinks the big favorite should have been dished out – news Sport – Sports news, results and broadcasting schedule

– If he had been here and I had seen that suit, he would have been disqualified, says FIS inspector Christian Kathol to news. German Andreas Wellinger lived up to his favorite stamp in front of 25,500 spectators in Oberstdorf on Friday evening and won ahead of Japanese Ryoyu Kobayashi and Austrian Stefan Kraft. However, a hole in the forearm of the suit Wellinger jumped with in Thursday’s qualification could have prevented his participation in Friday’s race. Kathol did not know that Wellinger had a hole in his suit until he showed news a picture on Friday afternoon. FIS controller Christian Kathol. Photo: Trygve Heide / news – He was not in for a check-up with me, and I was in here the whole way. So I didn’t have a chance to see it, he says. Who will go in for a check after a qualification is chosen at random. Wellinger won Thursday’s qualifying in Oberstdorf, and was not admitted to the control room. – In this case, he has clearly been lucky, emphasizes Kathol. Stormed away from interview Nevertheless, Kathol points out that it is difficult to say whether Wellinger had actually qualified as he was not called in for a check. – We have had similar situations before, but I can only punish what I see. And it happens here in the control room. We do not know when this incident happened, so it is difficult to say from this picture whether he had actually been disqualified, says Kathol. news tried to ask the German coach Stefan Horngacher about the hole for Wellinger, but he stormed away from the interview halfway through the question. GERMAN COACH: Stefan Horngacher. Photo: JENS SCHLUETER / AFP Wellinger himself says that the hole occurred after the jump was completed. – It’s because I celebrated too much after the jump, says Wellinger to news, before he was whisked away for several victory interviews. Expert: – Should news’s ​​jumping expert, Johan Remen Evensen, have been dished, Wellinger should initially have been disqualified according to the regulations. – If he had been caught in a dress check, he would have been dished out. At least that is my interpretation of the regulations, says Remen Evensen. news’s ​​jumping expert Johan Remen Evensen. Photo: NTB If he had been dished out – his chance of winning the Hoppuka would have almost disappeared altogether. Instead, he is now in a very good position for the overall win. – But it is not certain that the suit tore when he was in the air or on landing. It may have happened when he was out cheering, the expert points out. Crushed Granerud after failure Reigning vault winner Halvor Egner Granerud was very disappointed in the first round and did not qualify for the final round. – Right now I’m in pain, says Granerud to news. He seemed affected during the conversation with news, and took long breaks to find the words. – It simply hurts, he says further. Granerud landed at 105 meters and lost his duel against Italian Giovanni Bresadola, who landed 1.5 meters further into the ground. Thus, he is out of the competition for the overall victory. – It’s boring. After all, I’m not in the hoopla anymore. There are only three jumps in the next six days. It’s heavy on lead, says the jumper and adds: – I think it’s difficult to get that much greater contrast. At least in ski jumping, says Granerud. Halvor Egner Granerud was unable to deliver when it mattered in the first race of the jumping week. Photo: AFP Marius Lindvik became the best Norwegian mare with his 5th place and thus jumped up one position after the first round. – I am satisfied with the day. There are possibilities even if it is a long way up to the top three. Everything can happen further in the jump, says Lindvik to news. Johann André Forfang and Daniel Andre Tande ended up in 12th and 23rd place respectively after the final round. Benjamin Østvold and Kristoffer Eriksen Sundal lost their duels and did not qualify for the final round. – Don’t have a shit to say Halvor Egner Granerud was confronted with the pictures of Wellinger’s hole. – If you have to be completely square and follow the rule book, this is counter, but it doesn’t matter. It would have been a damn shame if he had been disqualified for that, says Granerud to news. He is aware that there are small margins and that a counter by Wellinger would lead to a number of sly Germans. – It is special that it can happen on a day like yesterday, where the only thing you really need to do is get through the race. The Germans are lazy, he notes. No one protested. If other nations see that something may have happened outside the regulations, they have 15 minutes to protest. But according to Kathol, no nations have objected to Wellinger’s suit. – No, we have not received any protests and I only saw it now, he says. A hole in the suit is not necessarily an advantage, points out Remen Evensen. – It is not an advantage for Wellinger, but a disadvantage. But rules are rules, he says and continues: – The reason it breaks is that they have sewn it very tightly. From the arm to the chest. They do that to get a larger bearing surface when you pull your arm out a little and take the fabric with you from your chest.
