Won his seventh straight NM title

Vipers Kristiansand finally won 32–23 against Storhamar in the NM final in Sør Amfi in Arendal on Sunday. Both teams impressed in their semi-finals during the Final8 in Arendal on Saturday. But in the final it was only exciting for a scant 17 minutes. After a time-out, the Kristiansanders punctuated the game completely, and collected their seventh straight NM title. High tempo in the first half Storhamar starts the final strongly, and leads the game. Vipers struggle to seal off the defence, and Storhamar breaks through. Also going forward on the pitch, it is getting mixed up for the Kristiansand team, who are struggling somewhat to get the game off to a good start. There is a high tempo in the match, and a high temperature in the hall. Storhamar has a three-goal lead when the Vipers take the game’s first time-out after 17 minutes. Shortly afterwards, it is the Vipers who have taken over the lead. Vipers punctured the NM final against Storhamar halfway through the first half. Photo: Beate Oma Dahle / NTB Punctured the match The pink jerseys are at full speed until half-time, and they lead 17-12 at half-time. Into the second part of the match, the Vipers continue to rule, and the class differences between the teams show. The final is almost decided a few minutes into the second half. Earlier on Sunday, Kristiansand won the Topphandball bronze final against Elverum. Read more about it here: Seventh straight title Early on Saturday, Vipers beat Larvik 40-24 in the semi-final. Storhamar who beat Sola 33–23. Storhamar emerged victorious from their semi-final with 33-23 against Sola, and got their revenge for the loss in the semi-final last year. The Kristiansand team were predicted in advance as favorites to win, and took their seventh straight title as Norwegian champions.
