Women’s football is heated after the premiere of the news series “Kampen” – news Trøndelag

Women’s Day and women’s football went hand in hand when news published its new series “Kampen” on 8 March. In the series, the RBK women’s dream is followed against a packed stadium. On Wednesday there was a premiere party and a good atmosphere for the players. The following day they were met with a wall of condescending comments. The feedback in the comment section did not match the message of the series. “Women’s football is bullshit” “If you don’t understand why women earn less in football, you’re just stupid” “The reality of modern women’s perspective is completely absurd” These are just a few of the comments written during the news case about the Røa player Linn -Mari Nilsen and on Unormal’s TikTok video with players Anna Jøsendal, Ruglie Rulyte and Matilde Rogde. The RBK women visit Unormal. Encouraging to come to the game – It was not something pleasant to read. It is stupid that such attitudes still exist. That’s what attacking player Anna Jøsendal, who is in the series, says. Jøsendal thinks it’s a shame that people choose to write such comments online. She thinks it’s easy for people to get carried away with the idea that women’s football sucks, without having seen a single match. – They’d better go to Koteng and see us play, then they’ll see that we’re not as bad as they think we are. Matilde Rogde supports her teammate and thinks it is stupid to compare the men and women. – There is a significant difference when it comes to physics. That is why men play against men and women play against women. Rogde herself says she is not influenced by such comments. – I know many people who think women’s football is fun. I also know that we play as well as anyone. The program manager at news, Kristian Karlsen, also thinks it is sad that the girls have to deal with such comments. – It is very surprising and disappointing to see that so many, especially young men, have condescending attitudes towards women’s football. These attitudes show very clearly how important TV series such as Kampen are. Watch the first episode of Kampen here: As a child, Cesilie Andreassen did not dare to dream of playing at a packed Lerkendal. But now the football dream can become reality. A series about equality – The match is about equality in football, says Karlsen. He talks about dedicated and incredibly talented footballers who have to perform under completely different framework conditions than male players. This is despite the fact that they are athletes at a high national level in one of the biggest sports there is. Kristian Karlsen, program director in news region midt. Photo: news Nor does he hide that the premiere date was no coincidence. – Football has a long way to go when it comes to equality. Then it was a good fit with a premiere on 8 March. Jøsendal also thinks it is stupid that such comments come right after the celebration of Women’s Day. – It just shows that we celebrate the day for a reason. – Norway’s women’s football team has won both the EC, WC and Olympics. As a nation, we should be proud of Norwegian footballers, whether their name is Hegerberg or Haaland, says Karlsen.
