Women who support Israel were not allowed to participate in the 8 March train – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

As usual, Women’s Day in Oslo was to be marked with appeals and trains from Youngstorget in central Oslo. Many of this year’s slogans were about violence against women. A group of women entered the marking with a banner in support of female Israeli war victims under the slogan “Meetoo – unless you are a jew”. The slogan was not pre-approved, but the women told news that they received permission from the March 8 committee to participate under one of the main slogans. The participation provoked those who took part in the march in support of Palestine, and several shouted slogans in support of Palestine. Eventually the police had to form a protective ring around the demonstrators. The police were prepared beforehand that there could be trouble during the commemoration since there was already a slogan on the train in support of women in Gaza with the name “Gaza’s women are Oslo’s sisters”. Operations leader in the Oslo police, Tore Barstad, says that the women were prevented from getting on the train. – Today is March 8 and Women’s Day and a train with different slogans was supposed to go through the center of Oslo. There were approximately 6,000 who turned up at Youngstorget, and among them a support group for Israeli hostages. They were physically prevented by other participants in the train, and they were eventually told by the event committee that they were not told to participate in the train with the passwords they had. – The police are not going to intervene in any form of freedom of expression, and we gave a clear message that we were here for the sake of order, emphasizes Barstad.
