Women in the conservative part of Iran take part in the protests – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Black-clad women in the more religious and traditional regional capital of Zahedan in the province of Sistan-Baluchistan took part in the protests against the Iranian regime on Friday, writes the AFP news agency. – It is a rare image, says leader of the human rights group Iran Human Rights (IHR), Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam. – There have been some minor and small episodes where they take to the streets, but not as organized and comprehensive as now, he says to news. The women carried placards with slogans such as “Women, life, freedom” and shouted “With or without hijab, further towards revolution”, a video verified by AFP shows. A large part of the inhabitants of the province belong to the ethnic and religious minority Baluch, who are Sunni Muslims. – I think the effect of the ongoing protests in Iran has meant that people who have been oppressed and felt like second-class citizens for several years no longer feel powerless, says Amiry-Moghaddam. Extra risk The Iranian security forces have killed at least 499 people in Iran during 2022, according to IHR. The number of people killed is highest in the province of Sistan-Baluchistan, according to the group. The human rights organization Amnesty International said earlier this week that the minority in the Baluchistan region faces ingrained discrimination. Photo: Screenshot from video / Twitter – The Baluchi minority has borne the brunt of the security forces’ horrific attacks during the insurgency that has swept over Iran since September, Amnesty said in a statement. The organization has documented 100 murders carried out by Iranian authorities in the province during the period from September 30 to November 10 this year. The organization believes the actual death toll is much higher. According to the IHR, the figure is 128. On 30 September, more than 90 people were killed in Zahedan during a clash between demonstrators and the security forces after Friday prayers. The date has become known as “Bloody Friday”. Protests bigger than Iran Amiry-Moghaddam in the IHR believes the protests in Iran are an important step in the fight for equality and women’s rights in general. – If they succeed, and they will succeed sooner or later, it will have a very big impact on politics and the situation in many other places in the world, believes the IHR leader. Head of Iran Human Rights (IHR) Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam. Photo: PETTER BERNTSEN / AFP – The world community has tolerated the apartheid system against women for too long. I have to stop that. This is not culture, it is oppression. Will look at changes According to the Iranian attorney general, the mandate for headgear for Iranian women must now be assessed. – Both the national assembly and the judiciary are working on this – whether the law needs any changes, said Attorney General Mohammad Jafar Montazeri on Friday when he was in the holy city of Qom. The attorney general did not say anything about what might possibly be changed in the law. He is quoted by the national Iranian news agency ISNA. To be investigated by the UN Amiry-Moghaddam is satisfied that the UN Human Rights Council has decided to carry out an investigation of the Iranian regime, but at the same time calls for clearer criticism from the international community. Iran owes the United States, Great Britain and Israel for creating what the Iranian authorities call riots. The Iranian foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, said in a phone call to UN chief Antonio Guterres that the actions of the US and other western countries incited riots in Iran.
