Women and men become summer riots at different times – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

Summer, sun and bubbling hormones! We throw away more clothes – and profits and energy push on. Then one might think that the drowsiness and lust hit us men and women at the same time? Men nei. – We women are most busy in April. While men, they are a little slower, here too, sexologist Maria Kinnerud Ebbestad laughs before she hurries to add: – No then. I’m just kidding. But that men are actually slower than women when it comes to summer wealth, it’s not nonsense. Women and men simply have different maturities. – It’s good weather, you get more desire to be outside, be more social, and be a little more flirting simply. Victoria Elisabeth Lau (22) answers when she is asked what she puts into the concept of spring and summer roughness. She feels most of this feeling quite early in the spring. Zero problem! What Lau says is consistent with the research. Sexologist Maria Kinnerud Ebbestad further explains: – Men do not reach the same hormone level until August. So we are not completely in sync here, she states. Men are thus four months “too late out”. Maybe a little contrary to popular belief. – Do we not become springy at the same time then? Yes, I think this happens at the same time with both sexes, says Sverre Sunde (40) He is a little surprised when he hears that this is not the case. – I have a boyfriend and do not notice that this presents any problems, he grins in response. When are you most eager? April to June June to September In the dark, so clear Is the desire all year, I! Show result «Dead and dark» Anne Finstad also believes that desire strikes both sexes at the same time. – That’s when the sun peeks out. And I do not speak from personal experience, haha, this is more general. Anne Finstad notices a difference from the light spring season to the dark winter season. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news She adds that she has not heard anyone who has been bothered by this. – But in many situations it is the case that you do not feel like it at the same time, she says. – When the sun hits you, how do you notice it? – You get a little more … awake. – You’re packing it now. – Haha! Yes. But there is a difference. In November, it’s dead. Then there is more Netflix, laughs Finstad. Light, light and libido Light is essential for spring and summer. Scientific and a bit boring: Melatonin levels drop. Serotonin levels rise. More cheerfully said: We’re getting more … well, horny. – At brighter times, our hormones start. The blood rushes and we become more positive, says sexologist Ebbestad and continues: – You see more body and skin. Many of us are very visual. It is good for the eye, whether you are a woman or a man. At one point, however, we are equal. Both sexes reach the bottom level at the same time, and that is in December. Something Victoria Elisabeth Lau has learned: – Most breaches happen on December 9, I have heard, so it makes sense in a way. Talk = more in sync, says the sexologist. Photo: Henning Rønhovde / news Talking and spreading Sexologist Maria Kinnerud Ebbestad believes there is one thing men and women can do to get more in harmony: – The most important thing is to talk to your partner. What do we think about closeness in the relationship? Talk about how often you should have intercourse, if we kiss enough? Ask questions: Are we just parents or just partners making the system work? By talking, we become more in sync all year round. Or maybe you can take a piece of advice from the happy boy Sverre Sunde: – I still like to spread a little lightly dressed all year round, he says and laughs.
