Woman found with possible stab wounds in Greenland in Oslo – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

21 April 2023 at 07:41 Woman found with possible stab wounds in Greenland in Oslo The woman is in her late 20s, and was found with bleeding injuries to her head in Greenland in Oslo. – It is most likely stab wounds or the like. As the person in question is taken to hospital and not to the emergency department, I assume that it is something more serious, says Sven Christian Lie, head of operations in the Oslo police. The woman was conscious when she was found. The police are searching the area with several patrols, but have not found any weapons so far. They have taken control of two people whom they suspect of having committed this act. – There is a man and a woman. Witness observations with descriptions of clothing and the like give us reason to believe that we have taken control of the two correct people. We have no indication that there are more people that we are looking for as of now, says Lie. It is not known if there is any relationship between the woman and the two suspects. They are in contact with several witnesses to clarify what happened.
