Woman found with extensive burn injuries – crime scene technicians are investigating whether the fire may have been arson

Technicians from Kripos have been on site throughout the day and carried out investigations. The police are sparing with information about what has happened, but say that they are now interviewing witnesses. – No one is currently a suspect in the case, but the police are investigating whether the incident could be a criminal case, says on-call lawyer Sigrunn Waage in the South-East police district. Both TA and Dagbladet write that neighbors at the scene have heard screams in connection with the incident. The woman who was injured after the fire is badly burned, according to the police. – She was flown to Haukeland Hospital in Bergen and was operated on for several hours, says Waage. She further says that investigations have been carried out with a fire dog at the scene, and that the police will investigate whether the fire may have been set. The police inform news that the investigation into the case will continue through the weekend, but with full strength from Monday.
