Woman charged with attempted murder – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

The woman in her 30s is charged with attempted murder, and was carrying two handguns when she was arrested. She will be produced for remand on Monday at 12 o’clock. – No one was physically injured as a result of the incident, but the charge will be extended on the basis of the degree of seriousness, police attorney Anne Mette Dale previously told news. The woman was taken over by her health after the arrest, but was remanded in custody on Sunday. She has not yet been questioned by the police The victims, a taxi driver in his 50s and a witness in his 20s, have explained in questioning that the woman fired shots with a firearm that was aimed at them. – The taxi driver is still very shocked. This was an exceptionally frightening experience that still affects him, says aid lawyer Anne Kroken on Monday. The police closed off the E39 in Sandnes on the night of Saturday after a report of a threatening situation in a taxi. Photo: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog Shot out of the window The situation arose at Stavanger city station, where the taxi driver in his 50s picked up the woman in her 30s. The taxi driver has told in questioning that the woman fired a shot out of the car window shortly after the journey began. The woman allegedly threatened the taxi driver to drive towards Sandnes. When the taxi arrived at the E39 at Lunden in Sandnes, the driver was able to stop the car. Other road users became aware of the situation when the car stopped on the motorway. Shots were fired outside the car. One of them went through the car’s rear window. The woman is said to have fired several shots out of and at the taxi. The picture shows that the back window of the taxi is broken. Photo: Heidi Karin Gilje Skog The taxi driver got out of the car and away from the situation. He was not in the car when the shots were fired at the car, assistant lawyer Anne Kroken has told news. She explains that the taxi driver was concerned with saving his life, and that he himself was certain that he was going to be killed. The shocked offended woman in her 30s continued on foot. Not far from the taxi, she met a witness to the shooting incident – a man in his 20s who was sitting in a car. He also told in questioning that he was threatened with a weapon, and that the woman fired shots in his direction. He too has the status of offended. Assistance lawyer Anne Kroken says both victims are affected by the incident. Photo: Odd Rune Kyllingstad – The man in his 20s also had a shocking experience, and is shocked that such a thing can happen. Both aggrieved parties have had luck and guardian angels, and are aware that this could have had fatal consequences, says aid lawyer Anne Kroken. news has been in contact with Håkon Pinderød Eliassen, who is the defense lawyer for the accused woman. He has little information to share with the media. Published 02.09.2024, at 10.18 Updated 02.09.2024, at 10.51
