Woman accused of abuse risks several years in prison – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The case in summary A woman is accused of gross abuse by her husband, both physically and psychologically, over a period of almost two years. The abuse included physical violence such as punches and kicks, as well as psychological abuse such as denying him access to the toilet and ordering him to stand outside in cold weather without shoes and a jacket. The prosecution asks the Vestfold district court to sentence the woman to four and a half years in prison. The man, who was diagnosed with mild mental retardation during the relationship, thought he had met the woman of his life and dreamed of starting a family. The woman admitted parts of the abuse during the trial. The verdict from the Vestfold district court is expected to come within three weeks. The summary is made by an AI service from OpenAI. The content is quality assured by news’s ​​journalists before publication. Several neighbors were concerned that the man was being treated badly by his wife. They therefore made sure to document what happened outside the home with a surveillance camera. The pictures show the man barefoot outside in the winter after he is said to have been locked out by his wife. One of the neighbors tells news that they called the police several times, but that it didn’t help. – They came once, but nothing happened, says the neighbour. Used as evidence The films were shown during the trial in Vestfold district court. The woman is accused of gross abuse by the man. Both physical violence and psychological abuse over almost two years. State attorney Christer Gangsø and police attorney Ida Einhausen filed a claim that the accused woman be sentenced to prison for four years and six months. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news State attorney Christer Gangsø and police attorney Ida Einhausen filed a claim that the accused woman be sentenced to prison in four years and six months. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news The man who, during his relationship with the woman, was diagnosed with mild mental retardation, thought he had met the woman in his life. He had never previously had a girlfriend, but dreamed of starting a family. When he met the woman, he not only got a girlfriend, partner and wife. He also became stepfather to the accused woman’s minor son. The prosecution believes the man was close to death when he was urgently admitted to hospital in the autumn of 2023. These are the main points in the indictment. In the period from June 2021 to August 2023 in Tønsberg and elsewhere, she mentally and physically abused her husband. The physical violence consisted, among other things, of her hitting him several times in the face, eye and body, kicking him repeatedly in, among other things, the back and in the abdomen, as well as grabbing his testicles and/or twisting his testicles. She also kicked and hit him while he was sitting on the toilet. The psychological abuse consisted, among other things, of her denying him access to the toilet and asking him to stay when he had to go to the bathroom. She has ordered him to stand outside in cold weather without shoes and a jacket, and for a long time ordered him to sleep on the floor without a duvet and with the window open. She has also locked him out of the house on several occasions. On one occasion, she smeared faeces on his face while saying “so, now you get to know how I feel when I have to wipe up your shit”, or similar. She has had social control over him, among other things, by having control over his phone and limiting his contact with friends and family. The threats included, among other things, that she had stood over him with a bat and that she would call a motorcycle gang so that he would “feel it properly”. Several of the cases have occurred when her minor son was present. When he was admitted to hospital on 16 August 2023, the ill-treatment had led to, among other things, a permanent injury to his right cornea, several wounds with infection, a permanent injury to the scrotum, severe malnutrition, very low blood sugar, pneumonia and blood poisoning. She failed to get him the necessary health care at an earlier time. Was unconscious The couple had been on a camping trip lasting several weeks. The man who, during the relationship, had developed problems with uncontrolled defecation. Therefore, he had to lie outside without a sleeping bag. The couple and the defendant’s minor son camped here for several weeks. The victim had to lie outside the tent. Photo: Police The couple and the defendant’s minor son camped here for several weeks. The victim had to lie outside the tent. Photo: The police A few days after the tent trip, it was impossible to revive the man. He was then taken to hospital in an ambulance. He then had several bedsores, blood poisoning, pneumonia, a broken eye and injuries to his abdomen. Turn around in the question of guilt The public prosecutor believes that the abuse is serious and that it went on for most of the two years the couple lived together. During the trial, the court heard 22 hours of recordings of the man’s statement. Witnesses have also been brought in and photographic and video evidence presented that the woman has mistreated the man. Right up until the trial started, the woman denied having mistreated her husband. She also repeated that on the first day of the trial. Only when she had to explain herself to the judges did she admit parts of what she is accused of. Both the prosecution and the man’s legal counsel believe the confession has little value. They believe it came late, and that it only applies to a smaller part of the abuse. The lawyers Stian Mork Sletten and Ola Sønju Bårnes are the defenders of the accused woman. They believe that the woman should get a confession discount. Photo: Hans Philip Hofgaard / news The lawyers Stian Mork Sletten and Ola Sønju Bårnes are the defenders of the accused woman. They believe that the woman should get a confession discount. Photo: Hans Philip Hofgaard / news Claim too severe Defense attorney Stian Mork Sletten thinks the prosecution’s proposal for punishment is too severe. The woman has admitted abuse, but not to the same extent and not over as long as the prosecution claims, says Sletten. Lawyer Stian Mork Sletten believes that the sentence should be between two and a half and three years in prison if the woman is convicted in line with the indictment. Photo: Tom Erik Haugland / news Lawyer Stian Mork Sletten believes that the sentence should be between two and a half and three years’ imprisonment if the woman is sentenced in line with the prosecution decision. Photo: Tom Erik Haugland / news – After all, we have argued and prosecuted that one should go down in punishment. In any case, he believes the prison sentence should not exceed three years. Is on the road to recovery The man’s legal counsel, Knut-Erik Storlykken Søvik, asks the court to sentence the woman to pay several hundred thousand kroner to his client. Lawyer Knut-Erik Storlykken Søvik is the aggrieved man’s legal counsel. He asks the court to sentence the woman to pay several hundred thousand kroner to the man. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / NRKAdvokat Knut-Erik Storlykken Søvik is the aggrieved man’s legal representative. He asks the court to sentence the woman to pay several hundred thousand kroner to the man. Photo: Magnus Skatvedt Iversen / news In addition to over NOK 300,000 in compensation, he believes that the woman must pay because the man has lost sight in one eye. – How is he doing today? – Today it is going much better than it did a year ago. He has worked hard to get back to life. He has moved on his own and he tries to be as active as the conditions allow, says Søvik. The woman also risks having to pay compensation to her minor son because he witnessed part of the abuse. Vestfold district court states that the verdict will come within three weeks. Published 16.09.2024, at 17.48 Updated 16.09.2024, at 17.49
