Wolf in Seljord – killed sheep and several lambs – NRK Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

Sheep farmer Eilev Bjørge woke up to a living from the herd out on the field. – I did not think of wolves, so I did not have a purse with me. He was only 3-4 meters from the wolf that grazed on a lamb. – I used the “Lars Monsen method”. Shouted and screamed and waved his arms. Then the wolf disappeared with the lamb in its mouth. Today, Bjørge has found the dead lamb out in the terrain on the farm which is just outside Seljord center. It was Varden who first mentioned the incident. A wolf on the move Espen Marker from the Norwegian Environmental Protection Agency (SNO) sees that there are strong bites on the dead animals. – We have received tips about several observations of what people think are wolves. They have seen it on national road 36 and at Seljordsvatnet Saturday night and night until Sunday, Marker states. These observations in addition to the bite injuries make him sure that it is wolves that have attacked the flock of sheep. Espen Marker from the Norwegian Environmental Protection Agency believes that the wolf has been wandering through a large area in recent weeks. Photo: Anne Lognvik Marker thinks it is wise that the farmers in the area take extra good care of now. Nevertheless, it is not certain that it will remain in Seljord. Marker thinks it’s a wolf on the move. It is most likely that the same wolf SNO has received reports of from Hurum in Buskerud. It has also been seen at Drammen and Kongsberg in the last couple of weeks. Now SNO checks DNA from hair and excrement to map the wolf. Filming the wolf Charlotte Jonskås was sitting in the car with a friend when she saw an animal in the middle of the road. – I reacted that it had a different gait than a dog. They turned the car on highway 36 and drove towards the animal again. Charlotte Jonskås filmed the wolf in Seljord on Sunday night. Then the animal turned and ran towards them. – It had a special look, says Jonskås who, despite the surprise, got to film the wolf. She thinks it is both strange and exciting to have experienced this – A little cool and a little scary. It is in the middle of an area with many people. Takes in the flock of sheep at night The sheep farmer does not know what he would have done if he had brought the stock exchange out last night. – It is a long way to go to shoot the wolf, says Eilev Bjørge. The local team of Norwegian Sheep and Goat will consider requesting a felling permit. Bjørge does not take the chance to keep his animals out at night. There are 120 sheep and 240 lambs on the farm. Last night he and his wife gathered the whole herd inside the barn. . They will do the same the next few nights.
