Withdraws erroneous opinion poll – Latest news – news

29 August 2023 at 22:48 Retraction of erroneous opinion poll The local newspaper Nidaros in Trondheim announced on Tuesday evening that they are retracting an erroneous opinion poll that was published earlier in the day. – Due to a human error at the analysis agency InFact, Nidaros published erroneous figures in our party barometer on Tuesday, the newspaper writes. The opinion poll, which was carried out by InFact, showed an overwhelming civic victory in Trondheim. Among other things, the Conservative Party had support of 33 per cent. This shocked many, as the Labor Party and the red-green bloc have had a solid majority in the city for a long time. According to Nidaros, the figures behind the poll were double and triple checked several times before it was published. InFact believed the numbers were correct. – We take full responsibility for the error and apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused, says InFact’s general manager, Lars Helander, to Nidaros. InFact also delivered an opinion poll that news had to depublish on Friday last week. This measurement also had errors in the numbers.
