With the help of Peppa Pig, Ukrainian Denis Dorohv learned Norwegian in record time – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

About seven months ago, he fled from war in his home country to Molde with his family. Although it has been a short time, he has learned Norwegian well. Among other things, the children’s program “Peppa Pig” has helped him with that. – I can’t say that I like Peppa Pig, but they talk a lot, and with simple words, he says. And that is exactly why the pink children’s favorite has become so important in Norwegian education. – I tried to watch other films too, but they didn’t talk much. Peppa Pig always talks, says the 37-year-old. When words come up that he doesn’t understand, he notes them down in a book, or translates them using Google Translate. Wanted to Norway But it’s not just Peppa Pig who has been a good Norwegian teacher for the 37-year-old. Even before he left his home country, he started making up words on his own. Because when the war broke out, he decided that he was going to leave his homeland. And he wanted to go to Norway. – I decided to come to Norway, because my sister and her husband live here. In a short time, Denis Dorohv has gone from not knowing a single word of Norwegian to, among other things, being able to read and hold simple conversations. Photo: Roar Strøm / news Being able to start training early When he came to Molde, he quickly took his language training a step further. He started using Moved, which is a digital Norwegian training service developed by Molde adult training centre. – Moved is very important, it gives us a lot, says Dorohv. The service made it possible to start learning Norwegian before he started classroom teaching at the end of August. Anette Hoås, who is the teaching inspector for the adult education center in Molde, thinks it is very positive that you can use Moved to get an early start on the training. – When we divide into classes, we can see how far they have come. Maybe they can go straight to the next level, she says. Anette Hoås says that in addition to Moved, it is important to start with classroom teaching so that you can learn in an environment with others. Photo: Roar Strøm / news Free for all Ukrainians Molde adult education center has been awarded funds from the Directorate of Integration and Diversity, to be able to offer Ukrainians early language training via Moved. The offer is free for all Ukrainians, including those who do not live in Molde. – We offer different tools. Among other things, there are oral training tasks, educational videos we have produced and something based on mobile games, says Hoås, and continues: – Something is also adapted to Ukrainians. We have a Ukrainian translation, which makes it easier to acquire the Norwegian language, she says. A win-win situation Dorohv has settled in well in Molde. He has even started as a graphic designer trainee at the marketing company Tibe in the city. – I feel good there. They are very kind to me. It is not only Dorohv who has good words about the internship. General manager at Tibe, Stine Johnsen Strande, describes the whole thing as a win-win situation. – I think it makes sense for him to be at work, at the same time it is very nice for us to have a new good graphic designer, she says. When the 37-year-old started as an intern early this autumn, he knew very little Norwegian, but now he can have conversations with colleagues in Norwegian. – He has been extremely interested in learning the language. He sits and listens during lunch, and gradually he has been able to participate more and more in the conversations, says Strande. Denis Dorohv is a trained architect, but has worked as a graphic designer in Ukraine for 10 years. He is now an intern at Tibe in Molde. Photo: Mari Aandahl Kippernes / news
