Winner of the Finnmark race warns dog walkers after accident – news Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I really messed up. I understood nothing. The fingers were completely bruised, says Einar Witteveen. It was Christmas Day that dog walker Inger-Marie Haaland and her partner Einar Witteveen from Rollag were on their way to the cabin with a team of 15 highly trained dogs. After three days of space Christmas rest for the dogs, they were very ready to get out. They had to drive seven kilometers to the cabin. ARCHIVE: Inger-Marie Haaland is an experienced dog walker. Photo: Knut-Sverre Horn / news – We were a little uncomfortable on the snow anchor, and the release knot had become tight. Einar had to pull us free from the slip rope, and to get a better grip, he twirled the rope several times around his hand without me getting it, says Haaland. When the knot finally loosened, the rope around Einar’s hand did not loosen. – The dogs pulled as hard as they could and I was completely stuck. When I got loose, I realized that this was serious. I was about to pass out several times. The fingers were clenched, and the little finger was at an angle. Warns others about the same mistake Inger-Marie Haaland is an experienced dog walker. She won the Finnmark race in 2009 as the first woman, and repeated the victory in 2012. Now she wants to warn others about the mistake her partner made. – There is a lot of power in 15 top-trained dogs. I’ve probably become a bit dull during 20 years in this sport. I probably quickly took it a little for granted that Einar only understands what I understand. He is not an experienced dog walker like me. ARCHIVE: Dog driver Inger-Marie Haaland after her victory in the Finnmarksløpet, 2012. Photo: Allan Klo / news She hopes this horror story can contribute to more people becoming more aware of important details. – Now we are entering a time when the dog races start. We have many new ones coming in and that is very good, but it also means that many mistakes can be made. – If it can benefit someone to avoid making this mistake, then I will have to live with the mistake I have made. I have never actually told Einar that he must never tie a slip rope around his hand. I should have done that, says Haaland. GOT HELP: An ambulance and an ambulance helicopter were called when Einar Witteveen was injured during dog sledding. Photo: PRIVAT Can lose a finger Christmas in Rome did not turn out as the cohabiting couple had imagined. Next week, Einar will have an operation. Then they get an answer as to whether the finger can be saved, or whether it must be amputated. – All the fingers were bruised, but it has gone well with almost all the fingers apart from the little finger. – What do you think about possibly having to amputate? – It could have been worse and it’s probably the little finger I have the least use for, but I hope I can keep it. There is a bit of sadness in it, but I was afraid the whole hand went. If the finger has to go, it’s just a matter of adapting to a new situation and I’ll be able to do that.
