Wine bottles as candlesticks are not a violation of the alcohol regulations – news Rogaland – Local news, TV and radio

– Almost everyone I have spoken to says this case is nonsense, says Stian Robberstad. He is the general manager of Matros bar in Stavanger. The pub was accused of advertising alcohol earlier this year. The general manager of Matro’s bar, Stian Robberstad, says it has been an interesting time since he was accused of promoting alcohol in his nightclub. Photo: Syed Ali Shahbaz Akhtar / news The liquor control reacted to two things: wine bottles used as candlesticks and a wine cabinet in the middle of the room. In the decision from the pub inspection, it was stated, among other things: “Legal notes that wine bottles and candlesticks and a wine cabinet that is not connected to the bar are covered by the scope of mass communication in the alcohol regulations § 14-2”. And Stavanger municipality agreed. Disagree Now the State Administrator in Rogaland believes that the candlesticks are not affected by the ban on alcohol advertising. The state administrator does not mention the wine cabinet in the assessment. Using empty wine bottles as candlesticks inside a pub is perfectly fine. The daily manager is very satisfied. – I was really happy. We have been waiting for an answer for a few weeks now and have been excited about which direction it would go, says Robberstad. Robberstad is happy that the State Administrator is going against the liquor control and Stavanger municipality. Photo: Syed Ali Shahbaz Akhtar / news The Minister of Health and Care responded The matter was taken up in the Storting. Storting representative Silje Hjemdal (Frp) challenged the Minister of Health and Care Ingvild Kjerkol with the question: “Does the Minister of Health think that the use of such candlesticks should be punished and will she possibly reconsider renewing an incomprehensible and pointlessly strict set of regulations?” Kjerkol answered, among other things: “On a general basis, I would like to point out that if the purpose behind the use is not to promote the sale of alcoholic beverages – it will not be alcohol advertising.” – This shows that the municipality has gone too far and interpreted the law in the strictest possible way. They must change their practices. It is good for the industry, says Robberstad. The municipality must reassess The State Administrator’s assessment is that a lot needs to be done before it can be assumed that the aim in such cases is to promote the sale of alcohol. It was Stavanger municipality that asked the State Administrator to come up with an assessment of the case. – We are satisfied that the State Administrator has given us thorough feedback. We will make a new assessment of this case, says director of urban environment and development in Stavanger municipality, Leidulf Skjørestad. Leidulf Skjørestad is director of urban environment and development in Stavanger municipality. Photo: Ole Andreas Bø / news The municipality will therefore make a new assessment of the wine bottles as candlesticks and whether the wine cabinet can remain where it is today. The pub received a dot The bar received a dot for the breach. If a sales or liquor outlet receives twelve points within two years, they lose their liquor licence. – I expect they will remove this dot. It means nothing to me as pure practice. But it’s nice if they do, he says. The wine cabinet at the front of this picture should have been behind the bar counter, the municipality thought. Photo: Syed Ali Shahbaz Akhtar / news The dot will still stand until the municipality has carried out a new assessment of both the wine bottles and the wine cabinet. When asked if the municipality is going to change its practice, Skjørestad replies: – We perceive that we have more room for maneuver than we thought. We will consider whether we should have a new practice. Increase in visitors Robberstad says the time from when the bar was accused of advertising alcohol until now has been interesting. – We have had many more visitors than usual. People come to look at these wine bottles. He says he has also received many statements of support. – It has been exciting to be part of such a national issue, he says.
