– Win-win situation – news Nordland

Ole Petter Nybakk is the landowner of Beiarelva. One of Norway’s best salmon students. Last year alone, more than seven tonnes of wild salmon were caught here. He is worried about a new invasion of the controversial humpback salmon, which is expected next summer. – The Norwegian wild salmon is an endangered species and there is no doubt that it is a new threat if the humpback salmon is allowed to get into the rivers to a large extent, says Nybakk. Humpback salmon have a two-year life cycle. And spawns in odd-numbered years. Therefore, an invasion of the species is expected in 2023. Humpback salmon are undesirable in this country because they damage the ecosystem in the rivers, and can exterminate other fish. Landowner Ole Petter Nybakk welcomes all proposals against humpback salmon. Photo: ola helness / news Will regulate fishing Now the Conservatives will propose to regulate fishing for humpback salmon in the fjords. – We see that humpback salmon is a big problem. We believe that we will have a win-win situation if it is allowed to fish humpback salmon with different gear. It is good for the fishermen and it is a good food fish, says representative of the energy and environment committee Bård Ludvig Thorheim. Nordland’s Conservative representative for the energy and environment committee in the Storting, Bård Ludvig Thorheim, wants to regulate fishing for humpback salmon. Photo: Synnøve Sundby Fallmyr / news Hastverk One million of the unwanted species are expected to enter the watercourses next year. It is twice as much as the wild ax. – If we are to achieve a good scheme that is good for all parties, the government must start work now, Thorheim says. The humpback salmon looks like a normal wild salmon, but gets a hump when it has to spawn. Photo: Hanne Wilhelms / news Make money on humpback salmon In 2021, funds were set aside to fish for humpback salmon when it had already become a problem. Hobby fishermen pulled up tons of humpback salmon. Thorheim believes that this is not enough, and that instead of spending money on measures, the fisheries can make money from fishing on it instead. – We know that humpback salmon is a good food fish and the fishermen will be able to pull up larger quantities. We will reduce the problem if we regulate fishing. That is the most effective thing to do, Thorheim believes. – It was a problem last year when you were in government, why did you not do more then? – At that time, the case was only for investigation. Now we know more and we see that there will be a big humpback salmon next year, then we have to do something now. Need more research Section leader in the environmental protection department at the State Administrator in Nordland Tore Vatne, is part of the national group for measures against humpback salmon. He likes the Conservatives’ proposal, but believes that we need more research to be able to conclude what is the most sensible thing to do. Tore Vatne, section leader in the environmental protection department at the State Administrator in Nordland, believes we need to do more research on the humpback salmon’s behavior. Photo: Vilde Bratland Erikstad / news – We need a little more facts on the table. We must check with the countries where the humpback salmon live naturally for their experiences, and we should do more research on how it behaves near the watercourses, says Vatne to news.
