Win a mystery box from Maskorama – news Culture and entertainment

– I think it is so incredibly fun to be allowed to take part in this, so I am so happy that it will start again soon. Marion Ravn says so. She will again be a detective together with Nicolay Ramm and Jan Thomas when the mask show breaks loose on 15 October. Are you good at investigating, finding connections and noticing details? Then you should read on. Hidden hints news has been able to have program manager Silje Nordnes and the detectives “backstage”. In the background film there are several clues that can tell us something about this year’s masks. In the behind-the-scenes footage of the Maskorama gang, there are several hidden clues. Can you find them? Search and see how many you find, and you can take part in the draw for a Maskorama box with completely unique prizes. How many tracks can you find? Sign up for the mystery box draw by clicking here. – Finally it’s underway For Jan Thomas, Maskorama is a big event: – I feel like I repeat myself every year, but Maskorama is my birthday, Christmas Eve and New Year’s party all at once, he says. – Maskorama has become a folk festival and it seems as if we are helping to strengthen friendships and bring families together across generations. I am proud of that, adds Jan Thomas. Are you wondering what the final promo video looked like? See below:
