Will winter hunt the wild reindeer on Hardangervidda to overcome scurvy – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– I strongly oppose this. We think this measure will be too brutal when we know so little, says 17-year-old reindeer hunter Anders Lee from Skare in Ullensvang municipality. He fears for the future of the tribe on Hardangervidda if there is winter hunting and that his weasel brothers never get to experience the wild reindeer. – I get bored. Imagine if I don’t get to see the wild reindeer anymore. It makes me sad to think about it. 5,000 animals The herd on Hardangervidda is the largest with around 5,000 animals, which is a reduction of 2,500 animals since 2017. Last year, the wild reindeer were included in the red list and assessed as “near threatened”. Wild reindeer herd in Sysendalen. Photo: Hardangervidda Villreinutvalg The news that a reindeer with scurvy had been felled hit hard in October this year. This is the second case of the disease that has been found on Hardangervidda. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) The brain disease chronic wasting disease (CWD) has been given the Norwegian name skrantesjuke. Scrapie is a contagious prion disease that can affect deer. The disease was first detected in Norway in the spring of 2016, then in a wild reindeer herd in the Nordfjella mountains. This was the first documented case of the disease in deer in Europe. The infection was later found in moose in Selbu. Before the disease was discovered in Norway, the disease was only known from the USA and Canada. Signs of the disease include emaciation and abnormal behaviour, but deer can also have scrapie without showing signs of the disease. Distemper is fatal for the animal. Source: Hjortevilt.no Therefore, the Norwegian Environment Agency and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority have now advised the authorities to open up so-called extraordinary winter hunting. The aim is to reduce the number of adult bucks, which they believe is the biggest source of infection. It may be appropriate to use scooters and helicopters in the hunt. – Distemper is one of the most serious animal diseases we have in Norway. The disease has a certain fatal outcome for the animals that become infected, there is also no vaccine. It is very important that we counter this effectively to prevent the disease from spreading further, says Inge Erlend Næsset, director of regulations and control at the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. Wild reindeer buck with scrapie on Hardangervidda. This was found in September 2020. Photo: Norwegian Food Safety Authority – Belastande Today it is common to hunt in the autumn. This will continue to be the primary remedy against scrapie, says Næsset. – But we have come to the conclusion that there is a need to take extra bucks to the extent that it does not have disproportionately negative consequences for animal welfare, he says. Winter is quite possibly the toughest period for the wild reindeer. Inge Erlend Næsset, director of regulations and control at the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, understands the commitment that wild reindeer create. Photo: Norwegian Food Safety Authority – All hunting is a form of burden on the animals being hunted, hunting in winter will be extra burdensome. But here it must be weighed against the need to get control of a very serious animal disease. The Norwegian Hunter and Fishermen’s Association (NJFF) also supports the advice on winter hunting, as a necessary measure to avoid other and more comprehensive measures to deal with the disease. The position has rightly led to several opting out of the association. The NJFF states that there are tens of resignations. Will boycott the hunt For 17-year-old Andreas, the wild reindeer mean a lot. Taking part in wild reindeer hunting is one of the greatest nature experiences he has had. – I really want to be able to hunt wild reindeer for many years to come. – But what if this is the measure that is needed for the wild reindeer to survive? – It must be revealed when the time comes. But I think it would be too brutal to shoot in winter when you can wait until autumn. Then the animals are healthy, fit and fast. Anders Lee (left) is a hunter and committed to the future of the wild reindeer. He hopes the authorities will not go in for winter hunting. Here with weasel brother Lars Lee. Photo: Tale Hauso / news – We are a group of hunters who have decided to boycott winter hunting if anything comes of it. If they continue like this, I will not go hunting and help them get the number of animals down next season, he explains. He receives support from Professor Eigil Reimers at the Department of Biosciences at the University of Oslo. – Winter hunting will take place with snowmobiles and helicopters. Just the sound of it will trigger fear and flight in the animal. Going in favor of winter hunting would be an overreaction, Reimers believes. – I want to fight against winter hunting as best I can, based on biological principles. Diseases in nature come and go, the animals themselves clean up – or so nature does. – Need to build up the tribe Reimers thinks we should rather start building the tribe up again and continue with sampling and ordinary hunting. He points to an example from North America, which has also had scabies in wild reindeer. – In North America, the disease has been present since 1968. There they live with the disease and do the best they can to deal with it. He has a clear encouragement for the politicians who will make the final decision. – Don’t do anything rash. I have plenty of time. The disease has a slow development, we are talking about years, maybe decades, during which we can follow up the development with regular hunting in the autumn.
