Will tighten the law to preserve nature in Norway – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Monday, the Natural Risk Committee presents its report. One recommendation stands out: clearer guidelines from state authorities. The committee also proposes that consequences for natural risks should be assessed in all relevant decisions at national level, in order to halt natural loss. This is because they believe that Norway is at risk of further loss of nature, which can be reduced with predictable policies. Since the summer of 2022, the committee has looked at how Norwegian business is affected by disappearing nature, and recommendations on how actors can better understand financial natural risk. According to the government, the loss of nature is a major threat to development and can expose business and the economy to so-called natural risks. Nature risk is about the risk that the loss of nature and natural diversity poses to business and other actors. More government management On Monday morning, the report was presented. – Pollution, over-taxation and the introduction of foreign harmful species also pose threats to Norwegian nature, while climate change has an increasing negative impact on nature in the sea, along the coast and in the mountains, the report states. The committee believes that measures in environmental management in recent decades have reduced the negative impacts to a certain extent. – Good starting point – Loss of nature not only has major consequences for species and ecosystems, all parts of our society are vulnerable to the deterioration or loss of nature. This is what Climate and Environment Minister Andreas Bjelland Eriksen (Ap) says to news. – We need nature to live good lives. Our economy and our well-being depend on nature, so it is very important that we now get advice on tools that can help us assess the dangers of deteriorating nature, he says. He believes the report is a good starting point for managing natural risks better. Wants more from Norges Bank and Finanstilsynet The Committee believes that the Norwegian authorities must step up their efforts to assess and manage natural risks at national level. They therefore propose that Norges Bank and Finanstilsynet should include natural risks in their assessments. The committee also points to the Government’s pension fund. – The Norwegian State Pension Fund is a major player and contributes capital to companies as a shareholder and lender. In this way, they can influence and convey the expectations of the companies they invest in. The Norwegian State Pension Fund has equity investments spread over more than 9,000 companies and has investments in most countries. COMMITTEE: The government’s pension fund can influence the 9,000 companies and 72 countries in which they have investments. Facsimile: Norges Bank Looks to the municipalities for change The committee’s review shows that the municipalities have responsibility for businesses and activities that can have a major impact on natural risks. They therefore propose to strengthen the municipalities’ environmental and nature expertise, and that all municipalities draw up a plan for natural diversity either alone or in collaboration with other municipalities. The committee notes that the recommendations will result in increased expenditure for the state and the municipalities, among other things through the design of a better basis for decisions, visibility and follow-up. Disagreement in the committee One of the most consistent recommendations in the report is the need for clearer guidelines from the authorities to reduce physical natural risk. Hanne Kathrine Sjølie disagrees with that. She is also a member of the committee, and disagrees with the majority that the Planning and Building Act should be amended.
